Morgellons is a condition characterized by a range of symptoms including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations on the skin; finding fibers on or under the skin; and persistent rashes or sores.
Name | Description |
Skin rashes | Skin rashes and lesions that do not heal. |
Joint and muscle pain | Joint and muscle pain |
Fatigue | Fatigue |
Hey Everyone,
Try this page to find a doctor who might be able to help: Find A Morgellons Doctor - Morgellons Survey
Best of luck, and let me know if it works for you!
I had this disease 20+years ago, and it's October of 2024. Now I have it again! Don't remember much about how it went away, but I definitely remember the symptoms. I've had it for about 2 months now, with no relief. Been dying a lot of research, and there's just to much mixed info on how to get rid of it. Getting stressed out on researching! I need help fast.
I have lumps on my arm that I call nests, black specks, white fuzz balls in my clothing, bedding, couch,etc., fibers that protrude out from skin, nails, and body. I also, once in a while see blue, black,red fibers under my skin that move when I touch them. I have painful reactions when I put something on my skin that it doesn't like, and it sometimes resonates to other parts of my body, like it's communicating!
I use baby oil, and it helps. My doctor gave me a prescription for a fungal infection, and it's helped a lot, but only gave me a 7 day supply. I'm calling him back to see if I can get a refill because I need to take it longer. I'm researching about this, I found that a person suffering from this, used this for almost a year. She also uses the baby oil. I'm looking for more help, and/ or other suggestions out there, please?
Hey Sean, bacterial infection has the most evidence. Seeing a doctor who specializes in treating Lyme disease is how I got my life back. You might try this page on my website to find a doctor nearby, let me know if it helps! Find A Morgellons Doctor - Morgellons Survey
My name is Sean I am 50 years old. I'm assuming I've had the symptoms for 10+ years I've dealt with psoriasis my entire life kind of assumed a lot of it was related to that. Also I've had a lot of mental health problems emotional trauma. Long story short it wasn't until I got sober that I realized something bad was wrong with me and of course then it exploded that's when the huge lesions appeared on my arms now my legs they don't go away a doctor and I saw literally told me I was picking them and to stop it and there was nothing wrong with me what the fuck am I supposed to do I read information that says it's everything from Nanobots to a bacterial infection
My name is Sean I am 50 years old. I'm assuming I've had the symptoms for 10+ years I've dealt with psoriasis my entire life kind of assumed a lot of it was related to that. Also I've had a lot of mental health problems emotional trauma. Long story short it wasn't until I got sober that I realized something bad was wrong with me and of course then it exploded that's when the huge lesions appeared on my arms now my legs they don't go away a doctor and I saw literally told me I was picking them and to stop it and there was nothing wrong with me what the fuck am I supposed to do I read information that says it's everything from Nanobots to a bacterial infection
I have morgellons, and I have MRI scans too. If they are helpful.
Sunnyand7777, I have had Morgellons since 2010 and I have scans showing lesions on my white matter. Happy to help you!
Topsail Island, NC
I have had several mri scans following a diagnosis of "empty cella syndrome". The first mri showed seizure activity. Three scans have been done since then and they all have shown seizure activity. I had been placed on seizure medication following the first mri. I did seek another opinion from a Neurologist because I have never had a seizure. He agreed with me and took me off the meds. My mri's continue to come back showing seizure activity and I continue to remain seizure free. My M.D. cannot explain why the tests show one thing, and yet I don't have seizures. I have not mentioned Morgellons to any physician due to articles I've read from Morgellons sufferers. I do not doubt that I have Morgellons. I have all the symptoms.
I am. And I'm close to really understanding it. Beyond parasites, beyond Lyme, beyond heavy metals.... this thing is more than that. I'm in San Francisco.
Anyone still around to talk about this horrible affliction that's not looking to sell products or service... Unfortunately all my research has been done from home by myself because no doctor or medical professional recognize anything. Honestly after three years I've come across some pretty stunning treatments or info about it I'm just wondering if anyone wants to really discuss it I'm in New Jersey...
* I use homemade soaps that contain one or more of the following: oatmeal, clay, tea tree oil, sulfur, coconut, mainly. I use it all over, inside my ears where the fungal mites bite and crawl out of, as well as my nose and corners of my mouth. It keeps them at bay so I don't itch and scratch in public. For itching, I take hydroxyzine or atarax 100 mg prn from my doctor. I give it to whomever needs it, as he supplies it by the hundreds in my prescription. Keeping your hands clean and OFF YOUR BODY, is what works for me. If you can't afford handmade soaps, use original selenium Head and Shoulders for a few bucks a bottle. It burns the crotch, but I believe it works there, too. I suffer from fungus, that is my main complaint. I have it in my teeth, nose, eyes, ears, throat, ears canals, mouth, and lungs. 6 of my toenails have been permanently removed from fungus, and my nails are full of black and white fungus all the time. Under a black light at the doctor, the short fibers stick out ALL OVER MY BODY. DEVB IN SOUTH DAKOTA
The term "Morgellons" is a name that a lot of people use for an already established condition. The condition is called Cutaneous Vasculitis. This particular one is caused by a Bartonella infection.
"Cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis (CNV) is characterized by inflammation and tissue damage (necrosis) of blood vessel walls (lumen) and associated skin (cutaneous) lesions. "
Bartonella operates genetically and causes a lot of cellular mutations. The fibers are caused by a mutation of an existing cell fiber.
"Fiber production in the skin"
It can be treated but not with antibiotics or antipsychotics
Hi! Thanks for reading. Hoping you or someone you know can help me and my kids!
I’m desperate to connect with a physician or researcher who is interested in figuring this thing out. I live in Reno, NV. I am willing to travel, but would prefer someone on the US West Coast (ish) if possible. I am a non-drug user and mother of 2 small boys, who are also showing signs of Morgellons Disease: skin shedding (my 2yo) and skin-crawling/GI issues/1 recent skin lesion (my 5yo). I think I may have been born with this and have now passed it onto my kids. People have described me as the “most unhealthy, healthy person” they know. I’m very in tune with my body, spend an immense amount of time reading peer-reviewed/scholarly research articles and believe science is the foundation of everything! PLEASE HELP!!
I was hoping to find people like myself who have the issue and want to discuss it.. whether it's symptoms or treatments but I'm not looking to buy anything and I'm not looking to sell anything I just want to know what works for people what doesn't work for people what doctors have said if they've said anything if anyone is interested I have some at home remedies that have worked to alleviate the symptoms slightly you know nothing gets rid of it but there are things that I've done to make it more comfortable initially I had huge bald spots on my head that were so painful I seriously contemplated suicide. Thankfully those days are gone I've been able to get myself to a point that I don't wish for death everyday they're good days and bad days but if anyone who really wants to discuss this I would love to actually talk to someone else who suffers from it not someone trying to sell me a service go to this place and buy this product. And if you are a doctor that happens to know about this illness if you can give me some real genuine information about it before I have to you know buy your service or you know this particular one of a kind holistic product you know I'm not I don't have a problem with buying things I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on different treatments but I'm just I'm done being swindled so if you are a doctor and you have some type of information you should probably try to provide it without me having to pay for it and other people who are suffering from it I'm sure you feel my pain cuz everything's like click this and I go here or go there but I genuinely want to know what people are doing about it if doctors have said anything what they've used for treatments and share some of the things I've done that we're just household items and things I've discovered and different studies that I've researched to try to find out what the hell this is that's happened to us by the way I don't know if it matters but I live in New Jersey so I know some people tend to suffer more in different areas of the country but I just thought I'd throw that out there
Hello, my name is Scott and I work at the Parasitology Center Inc. in Scottsdale, AZ. Our doctor Dr. Omar Amin has been researching Morgellons (NCS) since 1994. I would recommend you visit our website to learn more about the cause of Morgellons (NCS) which is that it is a toxicity disease typically due to dental toxicity (80% of the time) with the other 20% being toxic environmental exposure or recreational drug use (meth, cocaine, heroin, etc.). Secondary infections are very common with Morgellons (NCS) such as springtails living in the hair, fungus on the skin (fibers), black specks (spongiform of the fungus), lesions, etc. Not everyone will suffer from the same symptoms but the most indicative symptoms of Morgellons (NCS) are skin-crawling and pinprick sensations. This is due to the nerve synapses being corrupted and misfiring due to the body being overloaded with toxins and not being able to flush the toxins out of the body. The most important step in ridding oneself of Morgellons (NCS)(Neuro-cutaneous Syndrome) is to determine the source of toxicity which can be done with a blood compatibility test. Once you have determined your source of toxicity and removed it from the body and detox your storage organs Morgellons (NCS) can be eliminated. More information can be found here
I have just recently found out about this disease. I have been to the Drs an A&E 28 times in total. I believed I had a cotton nematode parasite inside me!! It's now been a year and a half and it's running me into the ground most days I get so depressed I feel like committing suicide. Thank god I have my kids who despite not living with me are the reason I dont take such drastic action. How do you all manage to cope? I'm not going to be able to convince my Dr I have this despite having all the symptoms and more. I have been diagnosed with delusional parasitosis
keepnfaith, you will find that there isn't a Dr. anywhere that believes in it. Well, maybe a few. I went to so many Drs. and then I got scared cause I thought my County might lock me up. So I quit going. I was tired of being made a fool out of also; always being told I was delusional. Ha! I suffer from M and I will email you. That is really tough when you don't have the support you so desperately need. No one can say if it is contagious or not. I worry about my grandson cause he is only 5 months old but their parents aren't worried at all. makes me wonder if they really believe I have this. I will email you....Judy
No doctor in Bakersfield Ca believes in this disease, I have a the symptoms and recently found out about it myself, after a year of living in hotels I've ran out of money I've moved in with some relatives, they believe it's delusional so aren't concerned about getting it. Can somebody please tell me if this M is contagious please, I'm having a hard enough time dealing with this and I'm terrified what can possibly happen if the two babies in the house were to get this, I don't know if I can handle knowing that I was the cause of it. Any info is more than appreciated. I would love to talk to someone or anyone that suffers from M. My personal email is Thank you for your time and god bless you all.
the Charles E. Holman Foundation has a pamphlet that you can download on your computer, and give tons to the local clinics, doctors, health nursing fields, home health, public health, and anywhere else you can think of. Try to be polite and just ask if you may leave them with them. or put them in a rack with other literature. AS far as I am concerned, Mayo Clinic and the CDC are not reputable and I never quote what they say. smoothdeb
There are so many hypothesis out there about what Morgellons is, they are not theories, because a theory is a tested hypothesis. In fact, from what I can tell - so far, as of today 11/21/08 - very little factual information is available to help us figure out what this is, what is causing it, how to manage and maintain it, and most of all how to cure it. The Medical Professionals have not taken our condition seriously and when we sought them out, we were called delusional. We have been forced to go into hiding, some of us quarantining ourselves from our friends and families - not even knowing if Morgellons is contagious. We are having to experiment with over-the-counter solutions, and household items that seemingly do not work to rid us of the pathogens, all we have at this time is the Internet to learn from each what we have found to help manage this terrible disease. People's lives have been and continue to be destroyed by this illness and yet, as of today - we are still getting very little support. We have to raise public awareness, to possibly get enough people involved that can get us some quick research done to inform our Health Care Professionals on what to look for and how to threat us. Supposedly, in a statement from Dr. Hildergard, 1,000 people a day, worldwide are showing signs of having this new epidemic disease. This is very alarming! The CDC is a military run organization, part of our Government that for whatever reason, has been totally ignorning Morgellons since 2002. They are currently in the process of a $300,000 study of 500 people in Oakland, CA - that's $5000 allocated for each person? And, we have to wait until next year to get any of these results. We are in a lot of trouble and we need help and we need to figure out how to get it. At this time, it doesn't appear that our Government Health Organizations are too much interested, in what has happened to us? What can we do? How can I or you, help wake up the people that have the most potential to help us? The clock is ticking and every day counts.
Title | Description | Date | Link |
The New Morgellons Movement |
We support the development of tools for physicians to recognize and remediate the Morgellons Disease condition by raising funds for scientific research so that patients can get the care they desperately need. |
11/07/2024 | |
The Charles E. Holman Foundation |
The Charles E. Holman Foundation is a grassroots organization that supports research, education, diagnosis and treatment of Morgellons Disease. Ultimately, we seek discovery of it's cause and cure.
The Charles E. Holman Foundation exists to play an integral role in funding scientific research and spreading the understanding of Morgellons Disease to others.
The Charles E Holman Foundation is a 501(C) 3 Non-profit organization.
Our Mission: To create awareness and find factual knowledge about Morgellons Disease through:
>Funding and sponsorship of empirical scientific research >Educating the medical community and the public >Creating a patient support system >Bringing accurate information to local, state and federal health agencies to enhance recognition for appropriate government action within their designated responsibilities and duties under the law.
Our Vision: We seek discovery of the cause and a cure for Morgellons Disease. |
03/20/2017 |
CoRDS, or the Coordination of Rare Diseases at Sanford, is based at Sanford Research in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It provides researchers with a centralized, international patient registry for all rare diseases. This program allows patients and researchers to connect as easily as possible to help advance treatments and cures for rare diseases. The CoRDS team works with patient advocacy groups, individuals and researchers to help in the advancement of research in over 7,000 rare diseases. The registry is free for patients to enroll and researchers to access.
Enrolling is easy.
After these steps, the enrollment process is complete. All other questions are voluntary. However, these questions are important to patients and their families to create awareness as well as to researchers to study rare diseases. This is why we ask our participants to update their information annually or anytime changes to their information occur.
Researchers can contact CoRDS to determine if the registry contains participants with the rare disease they are researching. If the researcher determines there is a sufficient number of participants or data on the rare disease of interest within the registry, the researcher can apply for access. Upon approval from the CoRDS Scientific Advisory Board, CoRDS staff will reach out to participants on behalf of the researcher. It is then up to the participant to determine if they would like to join the study.
Visit to enroll.
I've written numerous articles about Morgellons, host a podcast about Morgellons, interviewed several experts who are considered authorities on the topic of Morgellons for my YouTube channel, created a free online course that covers the basics of Morgellons, founded a non-profit that's dedicated to Morgellons education, and volunteer to speak with our (United States) Federal lawmakers about more funding for Lyme disease every year. That's why people regard me as an authority on the topic of Morgellons disease.
From everything that I am reading I see absolutely no help for any of us. Where does one turn with all hope gone that at least one doctor would not treat me like a meth head. I would rather die than go back and be humiliated by those people again. On the other hand I would do anything I can to help solve this illness before it kills us. I need some hope.
I've written numerous articles about Morgellons, host a podcast about Morgellons, interviewed several experts who are considered authorities on the topic of Morgellons for my YouTube channel,...
I'm a retired 71 year old suffering from Morgellons disease. Had it some 20+ years ago, and don't remember how it was treated. I just remember the symptoms, and that I was sent to multiple...
psychotherapist and repeat startup founder. Wicked smart, deeply human. Lost my partner and love Derek and 20 year old daughter Aleutia in Nov 2022, 20 days...
I'm a 44 yr old disabled female Marine Veteran. I'm a writer. I'm a Morgellon's Disease victim. For now that's all I am as this disease is consumed every minute of every day...
After lots of symproms and misdiagnoses I was diagnosed with Lyme and Bartonella via PCR testing last April (when Covid was exploding and things were shutting down fast)--but...
I love to communicate with others, be...
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