Adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) is an inherited condition caused by a genetic mutation impairing the ability to metabolize very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). Fatty acids are the building blocks of fat, and they range in length from short-chain to very long chain. As a result of AMN, VLCFAs accumulate in the blood and all tissues, including the spinal cord, the brain, and adrenal cortex which is the outer layer of the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys and produce a number of important hormones.
The gene responsible for AMN is the ABCD1 gene on the X chromosome, which is one of the two sex chromosomes. This means that AMN follows an X-linked pattern of inheritance. Because males have only one X chromosome (and one Y chromosome), while females have two X chromosomes, this disease affects males more than females. Symptoms onset in the late twenties in men and late forties in women and include neurological issues such as numbness, weakness, and stiffness in the legs, difficulty with balancing and coordination, and slurred speech.
Adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) is an inherited condition caused by a genetic mutation impairing the ability to metabolize very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). Fatty acids are the building blocks of fat, and they range in length from short-chain to very long chain. As a result of AMN, VLCFAs accumulate in the blood and all tissues, including the spinal cord, the brain, and adrenal cortex which is the outer layer of the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys and produce a number of important hormones.
The gene responsible for AMN is the ABCD1 gene on the X chromosome, which is one of the two sex chromosomes. This means that AMN follows an X-linked pattern of inheritance. Because males have only one X chromosome (and one Y chromosome), while females have two X chromosomes, this disease affects males more than females. Symptoms onset in the late twenties in men and late forties in women and include neurological issues such as numbness, weakness, and stiffness in the legs, difficulty with balancing and coordination, and slurred speech.
The incidence of AMN is not exactly known, but some studies report it to be around 1 in 42,000 individuals. It affects males more than females, and affected males present symptoms at a younger age compared to affected females. The average age range for disease and symptom onset is between 20 and 40 years. There is no known racial predilection for adrenomyeloneuropathy.
Name | Abbreviation |
Adrenomyeloneuropathy | AMN |
Peroxisomes are structures within the cell that contain enzymes to break down various substances including VLCFAs. Because peroxisomes contain digestive enzymes, it is important that only the molecules that need to be digested can enter it to avoid breaking down essential components of the cell. Therefore, on the surface of peroxisomes, there are transport proteins, which act as gates to allow certain molecules to cross the peroxisomal membrane while leaving others out. One of these transport proteins is the adrenoleukodystrophy protein (ALDP). ALDP facilitates the transport of VLCFAs from the cytoplasm, or main body of the cell, into the peroxisome to be broken down. AMN is caused by changes in the ABCD1 gene, which encodes ALDP. As a result, VLCFAs cannot be efficiently transported into the peroxisomes to be broken down, and therefore, accumulate in different tissues, particularly the nervous system, the adrenal glands, and the testes. This accumulation disrupts the function of these organs and causes the features of AMN.
There is some evidence that increased oxidative stress also contributes to the disease process in AMN. Oxidative stress refers to an increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are highly reactive, oxygen-containing molecules that are produced naturally in the body as a byproduct or intermediate of many biological reactions. The body has intrinsic mechanisms to harvest these ROS and prevent them from reacting with and damaging cellular structures. However, if the balance between ROS production and removal is disturbed, the affected tissue experiences oxidative stress which can damage the tissue.
The Nervous System
The nervous system is one of the main systems affected by AMN. Nerve cells or neurons are specialized cells that transmit nervous impulses in the form of electrical signals. They have a specialized structure called the axon. An axon is a long extension, or process, of the nerve cell that carries the signal some distance to another nerve or target cell. Many axons are wrapped in layers of a fatty substance known as myelin. This myelin “sheath” increases the speed at which nervous impulses are transmitted within the axon. The hallmark of AMN is axonal damage in a “dying back” pattern. This means that the most terminal, or farthest tip, of the longest axons are affected first, and the damage progresses backward along the axon toward the cell body until the nerve becomes unviable. Because they travel the greatest distances, from the brain to muscles, spinal cord nerves are affected early and severely, with degeneration progressing backward along the nerve and then from longer nerves traversing the spinal cord to shorter neurons that form connections within the brain itself. This neuronal death is likely because VLCFA accumulates in cells that support and nourish the axons, hindering their ability to sustain the axons. AMN can also cause direct damage to the myelin sheath; however, the extent of this damage is highly variable among individuals. Over time, because of increased axon degeneration, the spinal cord shrinks in size, causing neurological symptoms.
The Adrenal Glands
In addition to nerve damage, the adrenal glands and the testes can be significantly affected. The adrenal glands are small chemical-secreting structures that sit on top of the kidneys. They produce a number of chemicals, called hormones, that are essential to many bodily functions. The outer part of the adrenal gland is called the adrenal cortex, which consists of three layers, each of which is responsible for producing a certain hormone.
The outermost layer of the adrenal cortex produces aldosterone, a hormone that regulates salt concentration and water volume, thereby controlling blood pressure. Specifically, aldosterone reduces the amount of salt and water excreted in the kidneys, increasing blood pressure.
The second layer, which is most affected by AMN, is responsible for producing cortisol. Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone”, increasing blood sugar levels in times of crisis to ensure enough energy is available to the brain.
The innermost layer of the adrenal gland produces androgens. Androgens are sex hormones that contribute to the development of certain secondary sexual characteristics such as pubic hair. Although their physiologic contribution is negligible in adult males, they continue to play a role in adult females.
Both cortisol and adrenal androgens are regulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which is secreted into the blood from the pituitary gland in the brain to stimulate the production of cortisol or androgens when needed. In AMN, VLCFAs accumulate in adrenal glands and impair their ability to respond to ACTH. As a result, despite high ACTH levels, they are unable to produce enough cortisol in response to stress which leads to symptoms of adrenal insufficiency.
The Testes
The testes are male sexual organs responsible for sperm and testosterone production. Testosterone is a male sex hormone that plays numerous roles, including stimulating sperm production, promoting sex drive, and maintaining bone and muscle mass. The accumulation of VLCFAs in testicular cells hinders their ability to produce testosterone and sperm.
Pattern of Inheritance
Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, including sex chromosomes, which can be X or Y. An individual is genetically male if they have an X chromosome and Y chromosome and female if they have two X chromosomes. One copy of each chromosome pair is inherited from the mother and one copy from the father. The offspring becomes genetically male if they happen to inherit a Y chromosome from their father and female if they inherit an X chromosome from their father. While the other 22 pairs of chromosomes have very similar content, the X chromosome is much larger than the Y chromosome, and therefore, contains many more genes.
AMN is inherited in an X-linked manner, as the responsible gene is located on the X chromosome. Therefore, it affects males (XY) more than females because one of the female’s X chromosomes still contains a healthy copy and can compensate for the defective copy. Females need to have two defective copies, one on each X chromosome, to be fully affected, whereas females who only have one mutated copy of the gene are either not affected or have a milder form of the condition. Males who have one defective copy of the gene on their X chromosome, on the other hand, do not have another copy to compensate and exhibit the full presentation of the condition.
Another implication of an X-linked pattern of inheritance is that females can be carriers, meaning they can pass on a defective copy of the gene to their male and female children (50% chance per child) without being affected themselves. However, males cannot be asymptomatic carriers of X-linked conditions because if they have a defective copy, the condition will present either at birth or later in life or even adulthood. Affected males will pass it on to all their female offspring but none of their male offspring.
While the vast majority of AMN cases are inherited from parents, a small number (about 4%) are not inherited, due to random mutation in the egg or sperm that lead to a new genetic change (de novo) in the offspring that was absent in the parents.
AMN symptoms typically onset in the late twenties in males and later forties in females. While almost all males with defective ABCD1 will develop AMN, only one-fifth of females with the same defect will develop AMN and usually a milder form with only some neurological symptoms and no adrenal insufficiency.
The milder forms of AMN only affect the spinal cord while the more severe forms affect both the spinal cord and the brain. Neurological symptoms typically begin as stiffness and weakness in the legs that progress over time. This may present as difficulty walking or changes in walking form (gait). Symptoms tend to appear in the legs years before the arms and the hands are affected. Other early symptoms are impaired vibration sensation, difficulty with balancing and coordination, and slurred speech. Problems with bladder control are also seen early in the disease. In more severe cases in which the brain is affected, vision problems and blindness, hearing problems, seizures, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and behavioral problems may occur.
Most male patients (but almost none of the affected females) develop adrenal insufficiency, causing long-term fatigue, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and joint pain. Other symptoms that are more specific to adrenal insufficiency include changes in skin color where patches of skin become darker, low blood pressure that worsens and can cause lightheadedness when standing up, and craving salty foods. These signs may present before, simultaneous to, or after neurological symptoms, or they may never occur. Furthermore, the severity of neurological symptoms and adrenal insufficiency symptoms are independent of one another. While most affected males develop testicular insufficiency, this typically does not have any significant clinical manifestations.
Individuals affected by AMN also tend to have thin and sparse hair and may begin balding at a young age.
Name | Description |
Weakness and Stiffness | Gradual, progressive weakness and stiffness of the legs |
Weight Loss | Weight Loss |
Excessive Muscle Tone | Excessive Muscle Tone |
Difficulty Walking | Difficulty Walking |
Visual Defects | Visual Defects |
Difficulty in Articulating Words | Difficulty in Articulating Words |
Behavioral Changes | Behavioral Changes |
Adrenal Insufficiency | Adrenal Insufficiency |
Seizures | Seizures |
Impotence | Impotence |
Bladder Dysfunction | Bladder Dysfunction |
Mild Peripheral Neuropathy | Mild Peripheral Neuropathy |
Nausea | Nausea |
Ataxia | Loss of the ability to coordinate muscle movement |
Muscular atrophy | Atrophy of the limb muscles occur over a period of time |
Lower back pain | Lower back pain |
AMN is usually diagnosed in, but not limited to, young men who display weakness and numbness of the limbs and urination or defecation problems. Women may be asymptomatic or may, like men, have problems with mobility and bladder and bowel control.
If AMN is suspected based on signs and symptoms, family history, or a positive newborn screen, the first step is to assess VLCFA levels by a blood test. If VLCFA levels are elevated, diagnosis can be confirmed by genetic testing. While the majority of affected males have elevated VLCFA , many females may have normal levels, making it a less useful diagnostic measure. Genetic testing is the only definitive diagnostic test in females.
If genetic testing confirms the diagnosis, further tests are needed to assess the degree of brain involvement and adrenal involvement.
If a blood test shows elevated VLCFA levels, genetic testing is undertaken to detect any abnormalities in the ABCD1 gene to confirm the diagnosis. In females, if there is clinical suspicion of AMN, genetic testing may be done despite normal VLCFA levels.
Once an AMN diagnosis is confirmed, a brain imaging test, often MRI, is performed to assess whether there is any brain involvement.
Additionally, another blood test called ACTH stimulation testing is done to determine whether there is adrenal insufficiency. For this test, the individual’s blood is drawn to measure baseline cortisol levels. This is followed by an ACTH injection. After a given period of time, blood is drawn again. Since ACTH is the hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, healthy individuals would have higher cortisol levels in their second blood sample compared to their first (baseline). However, in an individual with adrenal insufficiency, cortisol levels do not increase as expected.
Currently, there are very limited treatment options for AMN. Treatment mostly targets symptom progression or complication prevention such as improving bladder control, managing sexual dysfunction, etc.
Dietary modifications have been considered as a treatment option for AMN to reduce VLCFA levels in the blood, but subsequent studies did not show any significant improvement. One example is the use of Lorenzo’s oil, a mixture of two fatty molecules: glycerol trioleate and glycerol trierucate. Lorenzo’s oil reduces the formation of VLCFA in the body and has been found to reduce VLCFA levels in the blood. Despite this finding, there was no neurological or adrenal symptom improvement associated with the use of Lorenzo’s oil. This treatment is considered experimental by the FDA and can cost approximately $440 per month. Because of its experimental status, most insurance companies will not cover this treatment. If despite the lack of supporting evidence, Lorenzo’s oil is used, blood platelet count and liver function should be monitored to avoid associated complications. Restricting the dietary intake of VLCFAs does not lower blood VLCFA levels because they are naturally synthesized in the body. One biotechnology company working to develop a treatment for AMN is ReceptoPharm, Inc., a subsidiary of Nutra Pharma Corporation. This treatment just completed its Phase IIb/IIIa clinical trial in London, England.
Hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) has been suggested to benefit individuals affected by AMN with mild brain involvement. This, however, is based on very limited data. HSCT is a surgical procedure in which stem cells, which are special undifferentiated cells that can develop into many different cell types, are harvested from a blood-related source such as the bone marrow or the blood itself and infused into the recipient. HSCT is not believed to be beneficial for individuals affected by AMN with no brain involvement and may even worsen some neurological symptoms. This procedure also has a high mortality rate in those with severe brain involvement. Therefore, those with mild brain involvement are the best candidates for HSCT. Those with no brain involvement should be monitored closely in order to detect any potential brain involvement before it becomes severe.
If there is adrenal insufficiency, corticosteroid replacement therapy is essential. This therapy usually involves taking tablets to replace cortisol and aldosterone which the adrenal glands cannot produce in adequate amounts.
The prognosis of AMN varies significantly among individuals and can range from severe, early disability to mild disability late in life. Typically, those with no brain involvement have a better prognosis than those with brain involvement. Less than half of men with AMN develop brain abnormalities. In some of these cases, severe symptoms such as behavioral issues and cognitive decline develop.
Name | Description |
roy2good | Stay indoors and away from crowds especially during cold and flu seasons. Besides that, get things right with God, try to understand why you are 'lucky' to have this conditon. Enjoy life for as long as you have it! Don't complain people don't want to hear complaints! When things seem all out of control and you are at your worst, go to bed and try again the next day! Keep positive mentally and verbally! |
Arod | I've been living with this condition since 2001. Keep positive, stays as active as you can, & just enjoy live with family and friends. |
MissSheryl | I participated in a study of Lorenzo's Oil at Hopkins Kennedy Kreiger Center in Baltimore. The purpose was to determine if Lorenzo's Oil had any benefit for women with AMN. The study was terminated after 2 years when no benefit was found in any of the study particpants. Further more, some participants displayed negative reations. For AMN, Lorenzo's Oil appears to be a dead end, at least for women with AMN. Sheryl |
Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center. Adrenomyeloneuropathy. 2015. Available from
James M. Powers, MD, David P. DeCiero, BS, Masumi Ito, MD, Ann B. Moser, BS, Hugo W. Moser, MD, Adrenomyeloneuropathy: A Neuropathologic Review Featuring Its Noninflammatory Myelopathy, Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, Volume 59, Issue 2, February 2000, Pages 89–102,
Walterfang MA, O'Donovan J, Fahey MC, Velakoulis D. The neuropsychiatry of adrenomyeloneuropathy. CNS Spectr. 2007 Sep;12(9):696-701. doi: 10.1017/s1092852900021532. PMID: 17805216.
Moser, H. & (1995). Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects of Adrenoleukodystrophy and Adrenomyeloneuropathy. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 54 (5), 740-745.
Engelen, M., Kemp, S. & Poll-The, BT. X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy: Pathogenesis and Treatment. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 14, 486 (2014).
Berger J, Forss-Petter S, Eichler FS. Pathophysiology of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Biochimie. 2014;98(100):135-142. doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2013.11.023
Engelen M, Kemp S, de Visser M, van Geel BM, Wanders RJ, Aubourg P, Poll-The BT. X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD): clinical presentation and guidelines for diagnosis, follow-up and management. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2012 Aug 13;7:51. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-7-51. PMID: 22889154; PMCID: PMC3503704.
Hi everyone,
The Adrenomyeloneuropathy community details have been updated. We added more information about the cause, prevalence, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Hopefully, you find it helpful.
This year's conference will be held in Bethesda, MD on Nov 17-18, 2017. As a conference focused solely on ALD, this is a great opportunity to meet others affected by ALD, learn about the latest clinical trials, and get some of your questions answered by the experts in the field. Learn more and register: b6f&llr=e8ntkipab
Hi Everyone,
Last week's Adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) podcast is now available to listen to on the Rare Genomics/RareShare iTunes Podcast Channel or on Kiwi6.
Thanks so much to everyone who tuned in and submitted questions!
All the best,
Hi Everyone,
My name is Imogen and I'm a volunteer with RareShare. I am hosting a podcast, "Ask the Experts Podcast Series-Adrenomyeloneuropathy Syndrome" next Wednesday June 14 at 10am EST. You can listen live, or listen to the recording afterwards. Find out details, register, and submit questions here:
Just thought I'd pass this along. ALD Connect periodically holds conference calls so members of the ALD community can talk to one another about dealing with the disease, create a support network, and develop a stronger community. Please share with anyone who you think might be interested.
There are three scheduled Breakout Sessions designed to cover a number of interests: Men with AMN, Women with AMN, and Parents of ALD Newborns. Learn more about the calls and register through its Facebook page:
Yes I use a wheelchair all of the time and transfer. I was worry I am maturing to be fully disabled ):
Yeah the cold makes me much stiffer and therefore it's harder to walk. And our disease is progressive so each winter it may become a little more challenging to get around. What I have found to be most beneficial is daily exercise. The less I move the worst I get, exercise helps me maintain my mobility for sure. Stay strong Anthony.
Yes, I could stand the winters prior. Although, I may have progressed over last year. Thanks guys!
That helps! I did not give the gabapentin enough time to work. I quit after just a few days. I had two different docs tell me that if you quit gabapentin, you have to wean yourself off. Thanks Again! John
Hi John, Just so you know the nighttime dose helped me curb the pain. My pain is not too intense during the day enough for me to take Gabapentin because I already have fatigue and I do not want to add to it. I copied this from a Google search: "It takes about a week for gabapentin to start reducing nerve pain, and two weeks for it to take full effect. Source: Gabapentin for the Symptomatic Treatment of Painful Neuropathy in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus A Randomized Controlled Trial, Backonja et al. ( 1998).Nov 5, 2016" Let us know how this works out. And you're right about doctors. I learned everything from these communities and if I help others, then I am also giving back to our community. Thanks John, and Merry Christmas to you and yours, too.
Hi again Tunesmith! You have been more help to me that my doc! I kinda figured that it took gabapentin several days to start working. I didn't give it enough time. I was taking 300 mg I think? I really like the idea of only taking one pill at bedtime and not several times a day. My doc gave me "tizanidine 4mg". I only took it at bedtime and it didn't work. The nurse then told me to take it 3X a day and it helps some. I think I'll ask him about giving gabapentin another try. I like the idea of taking a muscle relaxer to help me go to sleep! Anyway, thanks for all your help. I wish I could return the favor. Thanks again, Merry Christmas to you & yours, John
I have tried desperately four almost five years now to get a doctor to refer me to the appropriate specialists and I'm still being shuffled from G.P to clinic doctors and I'm looking for inspiration. Wonderful physicians and knowledge base in Alberta and looking to replace it in Ontario, as close as possible to Cornwall,On. Guess that would infer Ottawa or Toronto, however, the Sunnybrook in Toronto has been a complete waste of time. I'm wondering if anyone has good news about an "AMN specialist" locally to us. This is for my husband. He was diagnosed at 45 and is now 50 but had undiagnosed symptoms for years before that. He has both cerebral and spinal involvement and his symptoms are all beginning to progress.
Has anyone with AMN ever had stem cell therapy? If so, did it work? I would appreciate any info. I am a 63 year old man with AMN that includes significant neuropathy in my legs. Thank you.
Hi Shelly, I am also a member of and there is a discussion thread Women Carriers with Pain where you will find support: Also, try and they have information and videos (probably includes the one you saw). John, by joining these online groups I've learned so much and I have informed by medical care support: Physician, Endocrinologist and Neurologist. The Baclofen is used to stop my feet from spasms and jerking which is most pronounced in the nite. Sometimes I have taken 600 mg of Gabapentin to alleviate the burning pain. When it is most severe, I wish I could detach my feet (amputate). But is a constant bother. You are not alone.
Hello all, I am a sixty-one year old woman, I started having crazy symptoms of "tingling legs and tight feet" about five years ago. I was seeing several doctors due to some feet concerns from a running injury, and would mention these symptoms to them and they would look at me like I WAS crazy! A neurologist even told me, "yes, you have a neuropathy, but if it's not diabetes...." she shrugged her shoulders in a "I don't know what to tell you" type of answer. Well, I became very frustrated, and the symptoms became more intense. I describe the feeling in my feet as that of them being squeezed in a vice-grip ALL THE TIME! Although we knew that ALD was present in our family, with two brothers and a nephew with symptoms, we were always told by the doctors, "women carry it, but men get it" - so I had no thoughts that these symptoms would be related. Randomly, my sister was doing some investigating because her 25 year old son was suffering. She came across the following video on YouTube: which explains the disease in the best way I have seen. About in the middle of the video the commentator explains how women can start having symptoms of "tingling legs & tight feet" in their fifties- WOW, it was right in front of me, but I never gave this disease a thought!! It was a good/bad revelation - good to know I wasn't crazy, bad to know I had an incurable disease that will affect me the rest of my life. The missing gene was confirmed through a blood test, and I was able to be seen by a genetic neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis. I am a "naturalist", preferring not to put drugs in my body - especially when they are not proven to help. I continue to work, but it is becoming more and more uncomfortable every day. Sleep is a real problem for me as well, John! I just try to keep a positive attitude and put one foot in front of the other every day. I love to run, and ran three marathons before symptoms started, but running, too, has become more and more difficult. I would love to hear from any other women that have had AMN hit them in their "Fifties' - I do not know anyone else that I can compare notes with. If you have not seen this video, do watch it! It was very helpful for our family, with six members at this time diagnosed with the missing gene, the video explains the different types of symptoms involved. Also, John, make sure you find a neurologist that is willing to learn about the disease, it is so rare, that it does a special doctor to take on the cause! The five living members in our family all see the same neurologist in Grand Rapids Michigan. Shelly
Thanks Josepanton, I am glad that you do not have this neuropathy pain. My wife and I love Barcelona, it is a beautiful city! Thanks for responding, John Unsworth Fort Worth, Texas
Publication date: 2 Jun 2015
Community: Adrenomyeloneuropathy
Featuring Dr Weston Miller (Univertsity of Minnesota), Dr Jay R Shapiro (Kennedy Kreiger Institute, John Hopkins University), Ms Ann Moser (Kennedy Kreiger Institute, John Hopkins University) and Dr Jimmy Lin (RGI)
Publication date: 14 Jun 2017
Community: Adrenomyeloneuropathy
Featuring Dr. Paul Orchard (University of Minnesota) and Dr. William Rizzo (University of Nebraska) answering community questions about Adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN). Hosted by Imogen Crispe & Deepa Kushwaha. (Music
Title | Description | Date | Link |
ALD Foundation |
The website of the ALD Foundation |
03/20/2017 | |
ALD LIFE aims to help all affected by or interested in adrenoleukodystrophy and adrenomyeloneuropathy, whether personally or medically. We will try and help you to become Aware, Learn and Discuss the many implications of this devastating disorder. |
03/20/2017 | |
AMN Help |
A website about Adrenomyeloneuropathy |
03/20/2017 | |
FightALD |
The mission of FightALD is to educate medical professionals and the community about the symptoms of ALD and AMN to hopefully enable people who are affected get an accurate diagnosis. |
03/20/2017 | |
Oliver's Army |
Oliver's Army is a registered charity in the United Kingdom that has been formed to raise money for ALD research. In 2007 the Organization has pledged £100,000 to the Max Planck Institute in Germany. |
03/20/2017 | |
United Leukodystrophy Foundation, Inc. |
The United Leukodystrophy Foundation (ULF), incorporated in 1982, is a nonprofit, voluntary health organization dedicated to providing patients and their families with information about their disease and assistance in identifying sources of medical care, social services, and genetic counseling; establishing a communication network among families; increasing public awareness and acting as an information source for health care providers; and promoting and supporting research into causes, treatments, and prevention of the leukodystrophies. |
03/20/2017 |
CoRDS, or the Coordination of Rare Diseases at Sanford, is based at Sanford Research in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It provides researchers with a centralized, international patient registry for all rare diseases. This program allows patients and researchers to connect as easily as possible to help advance treatments and cures for rare diseases. The CoRDS team works with patient advocacy groups, individuals and researchers to help in the advancement of research in over 7,000 rare diseases. The registry is free for patients to enroll and researchers to access.
Enrolling is easy.
After these steps, the enrollment process is complete. All other questions are voluntary. However, these questions are important to patients and their families to create awareness as well as to researchers to study rare diseases. This is why we ask our participants to update their information annually or anytime changes to their information occur.
Researchers can contact CoRDS to determine if the registry contains participants with the rare disease they are researching. If the researcher determines there is a sufficient number of participants or data on the rare disease of interest within the registry, the researcher can apply for access. Upon approval from the CoRDS Scientific Advisory Board, CoRDS staff will reach out to participants on behalf of the researcher. It is then up to the participant to determine if they would like to join the study.
Visit to enroll.
I have a son with cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy and a daughter that is a carrier. I am a symptomatic carrier.
Comfirmed diagnosis of AMN (3 generations confirmed).
No cerebral involvement known.
Always on the hunt for more knowledge and understanding.
I've been struggling with a variety of symptoms over several years. In 2006 I was diagnosed with secondary Adrenal insufficiency and hypo thyroidism. My legs now are are stiff and weak as...
31 year old lad from the steel city of Sheffield.
Diagnosed with AMN in 2012 but realise now I was showing signs a few years before.
Always been a very sporty lad love playing...
We are still learning about this disease and hoping to find out as much information as we can!
Jonathan was the oldest. He passed in 2000 due to ALD. It was a disease that I had never heard of before, (I was adopted at...
With 42 years old noticed,
47 years diagnosed,
now I am 55 years old.
Long distance walking problem.
Spastic walking. Mentally stabile.
Taking Cerluten for last two years. Cerluten effect...
Hi my name is Michael, I am 31 years old and I work part-time as a personal trainer and wellness coach. Besides my personal training certification I have a Bachelors degree in...
I also have some pain in my legs. I want to talk to some people about a fix to help me with the pain.
Currently use...
I would like the opportunity to connect with others like me who are living with this condition.
Oh yeah. I'm a 24 year old male. I live in Orange...
5 beautiful girls, 4 which are carriers of AMN.
Looking for information or people who can relate with the disease and if there are...
It took a full year to diagnose AMN due to the fact that it is so...
Also has hypothyroid. He has problems at times navigating stairs. Also balance is wobbly...
Trated in...
My brother was diagnosis 4 years ago with ALD/AMN desease.
i want to know if any efficient treatement is available.
I think I'm developing mild AMN too! Its...
I was diagnosed in 1999 but have the symptoms since the mid 1980s.
I'm really very lucky that it has not gone to my brain, however my wife may...
I have been dealing with this disease in...
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