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Hello, Prinzmetal's group

kppa Message
12 Jul 2017, 12:42 AM


I thought I'd start a thread here since it doesn't appear we have had a chat as a group as of yet. I'm in my early 40's and was diagnosed with Prinzmetal's angina in 2013. I have only had one attack that I know of, which landed me in the hospital. I had an angiogram and that is how they figured out my diagnosis. I have been on medications since then, which appear to have controlled it pretty well, at least so far. I am currently having issues with hypertension, though.

Do you know anyone personally that has Prinzmetal's? My doctor told me that out of the hundreds of patients she sees, only 3 of us have it, and the other 2 are smokers. I'm not. I wish there was more information out there about this disorder. Very little to read up on.

I'm looking forward to chatting with you. :)
