Ohhhhhh, when you said your shins, I knew exactly what you were talking about! Before they knew what was wrong with me, I told my doctor that the pain was excruciating in my shins. He said that he thought that was an exaggeration. I told him that over the years, three different doctors had told me that I was quiet stoic and that I could take a lot of pain, but if he thought that I was exaggerating, I would keep that in mind. I felt vindicated when they found out what was the matter with me. When my shins are doing that way, I am like you. I stay in bed and moan. My sister-in-law is a RN. She was with me once when my shins started, she told me that my shins looked like I had scalding water poured on them, were so red. I never can tell that they are red. She has been with me other times when it has happened since then, and she said they always turn red. When that is going on with my shins, my thighs get the salmon colored rash. I am so sorry for the pain you are experiencing. It is almost unbearable. I lost so much weight when they were doing like that day after day after day. I was nauseous from the pain and it hurt too bad to get up and fix something. I hope yours do like mine, and get out of that phase of hurting day after day. Mine are mostly good now, except for when I over do. The I really pay.