Hi! I was hoping you would still be around! My daughter is 12 yrs old now. She has epilepsy, but fortunately meds are holding seizures back. She has extreme ADHHHHD (ha), and takes medication for that so she can focus and settle down at school and home. I think they tested her for mitochondrial issues a long time ago and found nothing. They've done MRI's and CAT scans in the past, and everything was basically normal. She has vesicoureteral reflux, which is basically urine backing up from the bladder into the kidneys. When I got the most recent microarray test results, I of course tried to google as much as I could, and found that there are a few links to a specific gene on that part of the chromosome for that reflux. Isn't that interesting? Kind of scary though, because there are a lot of genes on that portion. :( We live in Ohio. Where are you? Oh, Emily is non-verbal too. She understands us for the most part, and we are trying to get her a device to use so that she can push buttons and talk. They are SO expensive though. I'd love to hear more about Kim!