I thought I was crazy with the heel pain, no one understands where and why it hurts so bad! It has been driving me completely crazy with pain! They only time I get a bit of a break from the pain is when I go to pool therapy.
onetouch, I have problems with bruising to and my face is swollen and basketball like! I have been on prednisone for so long, 75,g at my highest...I'm tapering down and right now I'm on 17.5mg. Its hard for me to be this heavy, last Nov. I was 135 lbs, now I'm 207, ugh! I can't work anymore either. My back, leg and arm pain gets pretty severe. It seems it only really goes away when I'm in the hospital (I've been admitted 3 or 4 times this year alone) and they give me IV pain meds. CellCept has really work well for my lungs, but my lungs are pretty bad, they don't expect them to go above 48-50% ever. I have the PL125 antibody, which is rare within this rare disease! I was checked for RA, but I do not have that, but I do have post-inflammatory arthritis. I also heard that ASS is more prevelant in women than men, I also heard most are diganosed in their 30s! I was diagnosed a year and a half ago at age 29. I am glad to hear you are at peace. I wish i could be, I am very sad all the time, but I have to put on a good face for my son. My dr changed my antidepressant, so maybe that'll help. Winter is bad for me to, I'm up in PA so our winters are awful, so far its been pretty calm, I hope it stays that way!