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nanasix Message
17 Jul 2011, 03:11 AM

my oxygen is very low right now i seem to fall all the time, had the bosipy[ muscell] it came back negative to my doctors and myself,this was a surprise. anyone had this problem?
Kellyb Message
18 Jul 2011, 07:36 PM

I am negative for any muscle involvement as far as autoimmune disorders go. I have the OJ subtype of Antisynthetase and it generally presents without muscle problems. However, I have experienced a great deal of muscle weakness from lack of oxygen, not being to be as active and also the prednisone causes great muscle weakness in the major muscles of the hips, thighs, and shoulders. I did improve when on lower doses of prednisone but I was weak and shaky and had tremors on doses of 15 mg and above.
natalie2581 Message
19 Jul 2011, 05:40 PM

I fall ankles, knees give out on me. I once fell down the stairs to our swimming pool (3 steps) and nearly broke my ankle. Before I was officialy diagnosed with A.S.S. and dermatomyositis is was really bad. For a very long time my muscle biopsies came back negative, then one day they didn't, I don't know what changed and neither do the doctors. good luck
nanasix Message
21 Jul 2011, 01:15 AM

thank you very much! i thought i was not thinking about my movements, it was all in my head ect. i have a left hip replacement and my right hip is fractured, as iam falling i try to figure out which hip to land on. lol. it makes me feel so much better that others are experenceing some of the things i do. although i wish none of us had to feel like this. one thing stops another one starts. has anyone got payment from ins. company about using ivigi, i think thats how you spell it. if anyone has please let me know. ty