my husband has sweated a lot at night and during the day for many years since at least college. He also literally overheats when he thinks hard, which we've just shrugged off as one of his odd physical traits. Then when he was diagnosed with aggressive onset RA and then LGL 1.5-2 years ago, we wondered which of his odd traits were actually early indicators.
Since "night sweats" is a symptom associated with cancer, I've been trying to figure out if he is doing it less since his LGL (and RA) were brought in remission from treatment. The last 6 months they've been weaning his Methotrexate, and I think maybe he's been sweating more again day and night. His blood counts are monitored monthly, and he hasn't had any problems, so I don't know if I'm imagining it.
I hope you can find some relief! It's an odd symptom to treat by itself. If you aren't taking any nutritional supplements, maybe there's some multivitamins that can help?