Well, I got a call from the doctor today, and Vanderbilt wasn't willing to confirm the pathologist's diagnosis of BPDCN. There's apparently some "markers" that they wanted to see before confirming. They're going to leave it as "undifferentiated" acute leukemia. In other words, there's no category for it.
I have the lesions. Two on my back, and one beginning on my collar bone. I have full-fledged leukemia symptoms, too, though. My blood numbers are not terrible, but they're steadily dropping. I did some math, and in 6 weeks I won't have any red blood cells left. I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure it's really, really bad to have no red blood cells.
The doc said he wants to start full-fledged AML-style chemo start next week. There's a possibility of some experimental medicines being added, too, as they look at more and more markers.
I'm 50, which suddenly is young and healthy rather than old and slow, as my teenage sons see it. Nice change in that respect.
Best wishes with your treatment. 73 is more typical than 50 for getting BPDCN. I can tell you that I did a lot of research, something I'm very good at, and I'm really impressed with the doctors at Vanderbilt as far as being up to date and knowing what they're doing. Very impressed.
My name's Paul, and I'm the webmaster at "Christian-history.org":http://www.christian-history.org
You can always email me from there using the "contact me" button. I'm going to stay on this topic, though, even though I'm not officially BPDCN. It will be nice to stay in contact.