hi there im chris i was born with marden walker syndrome to how does it affect everyone else. i developed kidney failure and sleep appnea and undescended testes i also had hypersplasia ( urinate from two places) they removed both of my testes and replaced them with adult prostetic ones.. hence im infertile. my joints i cant straighten and i walk with an unsteady gait. im developing arthiritis in my knees can get quite sore sometimes when walking. i suffer from really bad dizzy spells sometimes (low blood pressure apparently) and all this to do with marden walker syndrome lol wow im 28 now and used to stop breathing for no reason until i grew out of that. if anybody has anymore information please could u email me at chris1011981@yahoo.co.uk im from the united kingdom.
many thanks
ps to mellan you have a beautiful country (america) been to florida and had the best time ever.. god bless you