Hello, my name is Cameron, I'm a 21 year old male who has been recently diagnosed with Muckle-Wells Syndrome. For generations and including my own childhood my family has been picked and poked in trying to figure out what was wrong with us. Both my mother, brother, deceased grandmother, deceased great grandmother, and great uncle have the same symptoms but it was only until myself, recently, that they figured out it was Muckle-Wells Syndrome.
Well, I had since move away from the state I lived in with the doctor I had that discovered the diagnosis, actually did awhile after I left. I now live on my own and my doctor contacts me about this medicine, Kineret, as I see several people here know of it, that she suggests. Only problem is, I have no health insurance, can't exactly afford any, and really have no idea where to go from here.
My condition really makes it hard on me to work since it seems my joint pains are extremely frequent and painful. I only worked once, not even for a whole year and currently do not work and live with a friend. I'm really at a loss since it would be really nice to live a normal pain-free life, and maybe even hear like a normal person but I simply don't have the means for any medicine for my condition and am wondering what I should do.
So I ask, suggestions?