Hi I'm Yvonne & my son Sam is 7. We just found out that Sam has a deletion through a miccoray test. My husband & I do not have it nor does our other son. We did lose twins at 6 months, one who had spinal bifida so now we wonder...?
Sam was born premature due to lack of growth & low ammnoic fluid. We discovered right away that he had Peter's Anomly which affects the size of the eye & causes cloudy corneas as well as other eye issues. He has had over 40 surgeries & sees some in one eye now. We also thought he had peter's PLUS Anomaly whcih would includ his delays & short starue but he doesn't have "the look" so finally we got this new test that showed this deletin & gives us some answers.
Sam is the size of a 2 yr old, & his understanding is about 12-18 months. He walks but didn't walk until he was about 3. He doesn't have many words nor does he seem to understand very many. But he is spunky & understands the words he likes like bath, go out, junp:)
When he was under one, he almost died from aspirations, had terrible reflux & sleep apnea. He is still on a monitor at night cuz he has apneas. The biggest medical issue he has now is hypoglycemia. His sugars will dip so low so quickly that he will pass out or have a seizure. This has been a major problem for us although we can usually stay on top of things unless he gets sick then he always ends up in the hospital on IVs.
so I'm wondering if anyone here has dealt with any of this? does anyone else have the same deletion? Does anyone have Peter's?? How about the hypoglycemia or apnea issues. I'd love to hear back from you guys & I will be reading over the topics.