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Where did my energy go?

cats_36 Message
6 Apr 2011, 05:09 PM

Hello all. I am just writing this to see if I am the only one that has no energy. I don't have a lot of energy to get things done. With my longs stable at 68 % and now on two inhalors for my asthma and my immunisopressent drugs and the NAC enzyme, it would seem that I should have some energy. I just had blood work done last week and will be seeing my rheumatologist team on the 12th. Jen
alison1967 Message
6 Apr 2011, 06:15 PM

Hi Jen My energy levels seems to peak and trough all the time; some days I'm raring to go, other days I can hardly think clearly for fatigue. I complained to my rheumatologist about it and he said that sadly the fatigue is really difficult to treat, and that I should learn to pace myself...easier said than done! My theory is that when the body is fighting infection or the immune system is having a little blip, we may not feel any outward signs but we don't know what wars are being raged inside us, and this will zap our energy levels. Don't know if it makes any medical sense but that's what i feel. Because i am also coeliac, I also feel pretty rundown if i've had gluten by mistake, as that must make my immune system flare up. I hope your appointment goes well next week, i had my bloods done today for an appointment on the 13th! Take care Ali
Barbbe50 Message
6 Apr 2011, 08:40 PM

Hi All, fatigue is a constant battle for me. Sometimes I do not get the best sleep and start the day behind. Somedays I can sleep real well and still have no energy and some days I can do so much it amazes me. I try to walk everyday but today it is cold and rainy and windy here , so no walk. I hope both your appointments go well and your test results are fabulous, take care, Barbara
Kellyb Message
7 Apr 2011, 04:12 AM

I was having this very conversation with my primary care doc today! I have spent the last 3 months carefully tapering off the prednisone (still on Azathioprine/Imuran and NAC). Finished my last dose and 2 days later came down with a nasty gastrointestinal virus that's knocked me down for the last 3 weeks. Sleeping 10 hrs each night (though poorly) plus napping during the days. Barely able to take the dog for a walk or get the kids to school, Awful body aches, weak muscles and dark moods. But the lungs are clear and still doing well. They think my adrenals are not functioning well after being on the prednisone for 22 months. Will go in for more tests. Today I was too tired to tough it out so I decided to sleep today, fight tomorrow. I have not been able to rebuild any sort of energy reserves in my body since this all started. Hoping someday to have that again. Kelly
nanasix Message
14 May 2011, 03:08 AM

hi iam nana6 im still trying to figure out things. i went into one room and now this one have questions cocerning flat out nearly all the rooms. iam really trying to figure out how to die in the easiles way possible. thats my goal. no i havent giving up, just giving in. i have gotton so tired of people saying how i dont look sick, or for people to say i look bad. i know i should not other people to determind how i feel, but just a tiny bit empathy. i dont tell people what i have because i dont want to use up my breath, plus, the ones i do tell are kind enough to say ill look it up but they dont really want to know. im sorry i dont want to cry on every bodies shoulder, at the same time it feels so good that someone can help who knows how it feels. ty
nanasix Message
14 May 2011, 03:08 AM

hi iam nana6 im still trying to figure out things. i went into one room and now this one have questions cocerning flat out nearly all the rooms. iam really trying to figure out how to die in the easiles way possible. thats my goal. no i havent giving up, just giving in. i have gotton so tired of people saying how i dont look sick, or for people to say i look bad. i know i should not other people to determind how i feel, but just a tiny bit empathy. i dont tell people what i have because i dont want to use up my breath, plus, the ones i do tell are kind enough to say ill look it up but they dont really want to know. im sorry i dont want to cry on every bodies shoulder, at the same time it feels so good that someone can help who knows how it feels. ty