Windows - I am very happy to share my experiences. I hope you and others will do the same. Maybe something we share will make life a bit easier for someone else out there.
I haven't found anything that has made the swelling completely go away - but have gotten pretty good at figuring out what helps and what makes it worse... at least for me.
I've tried almost everything that anyone has ever suggested over the course of the 44 plus years I've had this problem, so can also tell you what didn't work! Feel free to run anything by me - I've probably tried it!
Here is what has been most effective for me:
I eliminate salt from my diet as much as possible. I try to cook fresh foods & veggies - nothing processed or canned, if I can help it. I've gotten pretty good at seasoning foods so that they don't need salt. I have a huge spice cabinet!
I stay a little bit dehydrated most of the time. I've found the more I drink, the more liquid I have to eliminate. I drink mostly water - with a splash of fresh squeezed lemon or lime.
For me, elevating my legs is a huge help. I rarely sit with my feet on the floor. I prop them up on something without even thinking about it. I stand as little as possible, for some reason, standing is really tough for me. I've figured out a career on the computer that allows me to work from a recliner with screens that tilt out over me so my feet are elevated the entire time I am working. This has made a HUGE difference in my daily swelling.
I swell when I get hot. I keep my house cool, sleep in a cool room, and spend time in the pool or in the water when I am out enjoying the Florida sunshine. The pool seems to compress the swelling from the tissue. I avoid the hot tub - and on the occasions that I do use it, I don't crank the temperature too high.
I have found it hard to exercise, because it makes me swell more. I have a Palates machine that I can use without swelling as it puts me in a reclined position - I need to use it more often!! I can walk along the beach if I am walking in the cool water. It seems to keep me cooler, and the water compresses on my feet and legs which helps keep them from swelling so much while I am on them.
I've found that taking diuretics at night seems to make them work better - so if I have a day where I need to start out with as little swelling as possible, I just plan on waking up at night.
For the last 4 years or so, I have been on the amphetamines, and they have really helped me. They don't stop the swelling, but certainly slow it down a lot. I can do more before I start to swell, The down side, they make me much hotter, and make sleeping a challenge. Higher doses might do more, but I have enough trouble sleeping with the minimum dose. I've found that if I am not feeling stressed, I don't have too much of an issue taking them However, if I have a period of stress, they seem to make things seem 100 times worse. I have to remind myself that it is meds and things are not as bad as they seem.
I've found that if I get too swollen, my sinus will stop up and I will start feeling like I am getting a bad head cold. I will start sneezing and this is usually followed with the stomach bloating and feeling like my digestive system stops working. If I take Claritin D at the first sign of the congestion, it will usually go away within a few hours. If not, it can develop to the point I have to go to bed. I feel like I have so much fluid in my abdomen that it makes it hard to breathe and it can also make my heart feel like it is working harder than it should. About a month ago, my Dr. decided to have me take Allegra D daily. It is too soon to say for sure, but I have had several days with extreme swelling and it did not progressed to the bloating stage. Normally, this would happen 3 or 4 times a month... I am excited to think that this may be managed with the Allegra D. I've read on here that Singulair is being used by some - I will mention that to my Dr. too.
Compression boots help me to get the swelling out of my feet, ankles, and legs when they get really bad. When I travel, I take this gadget with me, since I swell on all flights. I just put the boots on as soon after landing as I can.
I also have a small one person infrared sauna that I use when I am really swollen. I feel worse before I feel better when I use it! Heat does makes me swell - but I am lying down, so that makes me not swell as much with the heat. I feel my hands and feet swell initially, but eventually, most of the swelling will melt away. It takes most of a day to get the swelling out - but is very helpful when I really need to eliminate the fluids.
My bed can elevate my feet and I sleep with my feet elevated if I have been up on them a lot during the day. I've found it help to keep them out of the covers - so they stay cold and the rest of me is tucked in!
Oh, one more thing for the ladies - I found that moving to a tropical climate made it much easier to find shoes! Flip Flops always fit swollen feet and are the in fashion thing here!
Well - there you have it - a lifetime accumulation of tips on what has worked for me - until someone finds that magic cure!