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attack free

dannycfi Message
24 Dec 2010, 04:00 PM

I apologize for not participating for several months. I guess when things are going well you tend to put them out of mind. I'm only six weeks shy of three years since my last attack ( which was a particularly serious one). I'm not foolish enough to think I no longer have clcs, but thankful that I'm able to lead a somewhat normal life for the last three years. I hope each of you are able to enjoy the holidays, and may 2011 be a good year for all of us. Dan
aporzeca Message
24 Dec 2010, 09:46 PM

Good to hear from you, Danny! Would you remind us what meds/dosages you have been on? Happy Holidays to you too, Arturo
dannycfi Message
24 Dec 2010, 11:07 PM

sure, theopholine er tabs 400mg and albuterol 4mg twice daily.
Windows Message
26 Dec 2010, 06:02 AM

Hi Danny I am relatively new to this board (but almost 10 years of SCLS) and am bumbling along trying to find suitable drugs and doses. Could you tell me what side effects these drugs have on you or has your body adjusted to them? I am very pleased you are symptom free by the way. That is wonderful!
dannycfi Message
26 Dec 2010, 02:57 PM

mainly sleep deprivation. I have to take a sleeping pill before going to bed each night, and sometimes that doesn't work. I also seem to have a lot more trouble battling my weight than before. Dan
Windows Message
27 Dec 2010, 06:09 AM

Thank you both. I had Theophylline years ago for asthma so know the nervous, shaky feeling well. I was curious to know if long term usage reduced the side effects (as some other drugs do) but from what you are both saying, it does not. Thanks again.
heptagona Message
2 Feb 2011, 03:43 PM

Everyone, Great news! I have not had an attack for over 1 month now. I have not been to Urgent Care for over 2 months. The only changes in my life are: Celexa 40 mg per day and walking the dogs 2 miles per day. I am not sure about the physiology behind either one of these changes. All I know is that for the present I have become attack free. Steve (Heptagona)