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irerolper Message
31 Oct 2010, 04:42 PM

Grateful for information from those treated with Singulair, for, example, if you take it with any other medication? What dosage you are on Singulair and what improvements you experienced? irerolper
aporzeca Message
31 Oct 2010, 05:09 PM

Singulair is another asthma-related medication that has been recommended to SCLS patients, along with Theophylline and Terbutaline (T&T), the difference being that Singular has few side effects, whereas T&T actually have serious -- often intolerable -- side effects at the suggested high dosages. I was on 10mg/day of Singulair plus on T&T for four years hoping that it would prevent or at least minimize episodes of SCLS. Once it became clear that this medication "cocktail" was not working at all, my doctors dropped it and I was switched to monthly infusions of IVIG. Nearly a year has passed and I've had no more episodes of SCLS.
irerolper Message
3 Nov 2010, 06:15 PM

Thanks Arturo About 15 years ago I started taking large doses of Astmamedication (Bricanyl +Theodur) and Prednisolone. I did that for 1 year. I stopped taking Prednisolone and contineud taking Bricanyl and Theodur for another 1,5 years. Is it common with Singulair and Prednisolone together or only Singulair? irerolper
aporzeca Message
3 Nov 2010, 08:09 PM

Brycanil is Terbutaline and Theodur is Theophylline, so as mentioned I took T&T together with Singulair -- and I believe that so do other patients, especially since, as I said, Singulair doesn't have many side effects. The larger question is whether T&T with or without Singulair help stop or prevent episodes of SCLS. For some patients, they seem to do that. For others, they do not -- which is why in Europe, and now in North America, more patients are transitioning to IVIG. Prednisolone and Prednisone have been found to be effective in stopping episodes, but because they are steroids and they have serious side effects over time, no doctor is likely to recommend taking steroids over many months and years to prevent episodes of SCLS. However, as mentioned, they can be useful in dealing with episodes as they happen.