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LGL and pregnancy

mamenherbe Message
30 Oct 2010, 08:32 AM

Following to my "introduction" in the post "introductions" (in short:young mum from belgium with two little kids of 5 and 2 years old, diagnosed in 2002 "): Here is the link to the reference of an article from the bristish journal about pregnancy and LGL: effect of pregnancy on T-cell large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukaemia has not been previously described. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical features of three patients with T-cell LGL leukaemia; each of them had one or more pregnancies during disease evolution. Pregnancy was associated with sustained improvement in neutrophil count and concurrent reduction in lymphocytosis. Neutropenia returned in the non-pregnant state in all cases. A similar effect, induced by exogenous progesterone in one patient, suggests a role for progesterone in overcoming mechanisms of neutropenia in this disease. Pregnancy thus appears to have a beneficial effect on neutrophil count in T-cell LGL leukaemia" I posted also a message on "LGL and pregnancy" on the Yahoo group about 4 years ago. I have no treatment and i am on w&w. My two pregnancies were fine and I have two healthy childrens!! I hope it gives hope for some of you! kind regards, Candice
susi235 Message
30 Oct 2010, 03:25 PM

I had a healthy pregnancy just before I was diagnosed with LGL. Sure, I was sick and tired the whole pregnancy, but anemia and age (39) were my only big "risk factors" on paper, as far as I know. I'm sure I did have the LGL during that time because my CBC was quite abnormal (looking backwards) and I had entometritis which required IV antibiotics for several days about a week after delivery. My problem was that I never seemed to bounce back to normal the way other new moms do.
Joanne Message
3 Dec 2010, 03:37 PM

Hi Susi235, how to you find raising a child and dealing with LGL? thanks jo from New Zealand