Since you are new to this site I would like to offer some suggestions that might help you navigate around this community; if you already know this stuff, I apologize in advance. I discovered a wealth of info by clicking on each members' picture and reading their personal histories of SCLS. Not everyone has completed all the information but several tell about their previous attacks and symptoms which are exactly like yours. You also get ages, etc. Its kind of like looking at a yearbook, if you know what I mean. Secondly, Arturo has done a great job of putting a list of Disorder Resources together so if you click on that item several great articles there. Finally, you will find that browsing through the discussion forums on each entry also gives you a good history of what's been done on various issues. Basically you find out that you are not alone. Sorry if this sounds like remedial web surfing 101 but maybe it will help. Hit em long and straight.