Hi Stephanie -
As I was transitioning from 60 mg. of Prednisone (the only pharmaceutical I'm taking for polymiositis, started July 2) down to 50 mg. daily, I began IVIG -- spread over a conservative four days of infusions. The Prednisone seems to have blunted the fairly rapid progress that anti-synthetase syndrome was making in weakening my large muscles and messing up my lungs with a "secondary" pneumonia. So I was stronger already when I had that first series of IVIG sessions; no side effects, no headaches, no high blood pressure, no allergic reactions. Further sessions are scheduled at one-month intervals. And I'll taper down to 25 mg. of Prednisone in a couple of days. In my blood-work, the 'CK' marker for ongoing muscle-tissue damage is way way down at this point, around 190 instead of the 7,000 it started at in June, but not much of that is likely due to the IVIG, I would imagine. And my lungs are finally clear (it's been since early March that pulmonary complications accompanied swallowing difficulties, which made eating and drinking a real challenge).