This subject is really odd, since i just did some research on the same topic. LIke a few days ago.
Since my second episode last Feb. my skin has changed overall.
I also am 30 pounds heavier. I have always been small, managing to stay around 120-122 lbs. But, this weight gain has been slow and steady. i still seem to be gaining!
When we first noticed it( my skin), my husband would describe it as thickening.
I also have complained to you about how i swell very easily in the abdominal area.
i eat prunes, figs and other dried fruit to keep my gi tract active.(another symptom with scleraderma)
I met a friend a few months ago who had been diagnosed with the milder version. I really didn't give it much thought until the other day.
Something just told me to check into it.
That's why i find this odd, for it to come up in discussion forum right now.
i have had everything tested, at my insistence.
My lungs, a ct of my brain, sonogram of my ab area, hormones, liver profile, bone density, even my thyroid, and nothing shows up.
The only thing that is slightly different is my hormones which seem to be showing i am now entering peri-menopauseal.
I have read up on that.
i do i have hot flashes if i do not use a progesterone cream on my fore arms at night
I am presently on 3 anti depressants and also high bp medicine. i now battle with anxiety.
I don't know if i am battling a hefty dose of messed up hormones,or scleraderma, or both?
Any further info you find, please share it with us.
i know i would greatly appreciate it if there is a connection.
sincerely, marilyn