Hi everyone
Our LGL Rareshare community has grown! Hopefully, we're linking up better & it doesn't mean more incidence of LGL.
On 29 April 2012, our group has:
-135 members
-25 in direct contact with Dr Loughran
-96 are patients, 39~family/friends
-patient gender: 39 males, 46 females, 50 not given
-patient age: 5 in their 20s, 17~30s, 18~40s, 29~50s, 24~60+, 42~not given
-location: 114~USA, 4~Australia, 3~Canada, 3~Italy, 3~New Zealand, 2~UK, 1~Belgium, 1~Botwsana, 1~France, 1~Hungary, 1~Spain, 1~Turkey
-32 mention fatigue/tiredness, 17~joint pain, 16~brain fog, 12~mouth sores/ulcers, 10~sweating, 7~allergies, 6~have had transfusions (2 with iron overload), 5 have R.A.
-Earliest diagnosis: 1998
-3 mention having NK LGL (2 could be same person)
-24 having/had Methotrexate treatment (9~15mg/week or more)
*Message for PaulJean*: I came across your profile while I was updating this, but I don't think you've posted a message yet. Welcome to Rareshare. Where in New Zealand are you from? I'm from Wellington, and my son's in Auckland. If you want to get in touch, please let me know.
Cheers, Karen