Lukas is my son..he's 8 months old and he was diagnosed with 22q11.2 micro-duplication. He has a coarctation of the aorta. If anyone has experience with this please let me know. It's very hard to find info on the subject because it's not a very common thing. I've only found about 3 people with the same thing. And the duplication wasn't even discovered until November 2003.
What have you learned in the past year? My son in three years old and we just learned of this. Our Neuro doctor could not tell me anything and we do not see a genetic doctor until February! How is your son's gross and fine motor skills? His motor skills were delayed significantly...speech is delayed but progressing.
Hello, my son Elijah was Diagnosed Oct. 2009 and his gross motor skills are delayed significantly and his fine motor are delayed but not as bad as gross motor. He is 18 months old and does not walk or talk.