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elganzory Message
22 May 2010, 09:23 PM

HELLO i hope to write about my 3° epesoid i was in paris at the 14/4/2010 to visit dr, amuora that he recomand to git IVIG one time at month 2 gr/kg after that i tern to italy (rome) i have git my 3° epesoid at 11/5/2010 thy us the IVIG with my thankes f ADA solinas that she beleave in this medicen every thing is chang after 2 h, the hemoglobine chang from 19.9 to 17.7 to be 13.8 after 1 day this is alsso thankes for god firest and recomand of dr amuora and dr, greippe thankes for all of you
josee Message
23 May 2010, 05:38 AM

Bonjour Elganzory, Je dois vous dire que les immunoglobulines fonctionne très bien pour moi. Mon Médecin m'a prescrit ce traitement depuis Août 2008. (Dr Javaheri de l'Hopital Hotel Dieu d'Amos, Québec). Je n'ai eu aucune rechute depuis. Alors, mon histoire prouve bien que les immunoglobulines agissent bien pour traiter cette maladie. Bonne chance à vous. Josée.
clswalt Message
29 Sep 2010, 01:03 AM

Elganzory I am reading back throught the articles today. On this topic, how are you doing and are you on IVIG? I have been on IVIG and am doing quite well. Let us know, please. Walt Breidigan
elganzory Message
4 Oct 2010, 10:18 PM

hello WALT thank you for reply alsso for Josse i pray for both of you to be alweyes in a good health , yes i fell so good after i start to us tl emunuglobolin every thin is good wright now thankes for god ferst and for dr,greep in mayo clinc and dr. zaher amoura in paris that he writ for me the tratment with emounglobolin , i read that you alsso start to us it i hope you alsso filling well , thankes agine Yaser Rome 05/10/2010