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information on albrights

Kayleesmommy2009 Message
29 Apr 2010, 08:00 PM

Can someone plz help me? my almost 4 yr old daughter has albrights and i dont know much about it . Well, i need help with the weight issue on it she is almost 4 like i said and weighs 54 pounds. can someone plz give me some info on it plz. email me at
AHOmom1 Message
2 May 2010, 05:34 PM

I too would like some help with this. We are still in the process of identifying which type of AHO we are dealing with. Lack of genetic information because of we're an adoptive family. My daughter is 9 yr. and weighs 143 lb. Nutrionists aren't having any success with diets. They're at a loss because of their lack of knowledge about AHO. Any information about how to monitor diet and what to eat would be helpful.
Kayleesmommy2009 Message
10 May 2010, 03:58 PM

well i guess we are alone in there Ahomom. they had to up kaylees medicine again. I dont know what to do for her. she acts like she is addicted to food and drinks and i cant stop her.
nichoandkenna Message
11 May 2010, 01:34 AM

Hi guys. I have two kids with AHO type 2. Both of my kids are also overweight, and we are taking them both to Baltimore this summer to see Dr. Germaine-Lee. She is a pediatric endocrinologist at John Hopkins and opened (in 2010) an Albright's clinic across the street. I too am very concerned with the weight issue, and this is one of the reasons we are taking them. The univeristy of Michigan has been very good to us, but I don't think they go outside the box there. We have had good success with giving our kids chewable digestive enzymes with their meals. We found the kids were not absorbing the nutrients from what they were eating, so they were always feeling hungry. We also only give them water and try to keep only healthy foods around. Believe me, if they get hungry enough they will eat healthy foods!!! For my daughter exercise is like the devil - so it's hard to get her to burn off calories. Keep asking questions! I know we have been only recently diagnosed, but if you want to talk more you can email me
Star7 Message
25 May 2010, 11:10 AM

Hi! My son is 3 almost 4 and has AHO type 1A and we struggle with his weight too. He is always hungry and thirsty, so much so we had him tested for diabetes and diabetes insipidus which both came back negative. I too cannot get him to be very active. One thing that I found has worked is each day I am getting him to walk to the park with me. The park is about 15 minutes away so we walk there, he plays at the park and then we walk back. He does not seem to complain too much about this. Also, we too only offer fruits or healthy things for snacks and he is only allowed one treat a day ( usually a cookie) after dinner. Even doing this he is still chubby looking and is about 4 or 5 pounds heavier than he should be. Do you think growth hormones pay a part in this? I understand that growth hormones has to do with why our kids are short.