Hi all,
My son is 19 and he recently had his chromosomes checked and there showed micro duplication on chromosome 22 and micro deletion of chromosome 2. He is getting further blood work this next week with me and hopefully my ex will agree to it as well.
My son seems to have the symptoms with this disorder. He has learning disabilities with discrepencies in all areas, cognitive delays, speech delays both receptive and expressive, central auditory processing disorder, and ADHD. He is of short stature and did not grow for the longest time, he had chronic ear infections and other infections when he was younger. He struggled in school and did not start to talk until about 3. This is when he started speech therapy. It seemed for the longest time learning and speaking were so very difficucult for him and expressing his feelings were the same. He has good coordination.
Promising to let you know, he has made so much progress especially his last 2 years of high school and still gaining ground today. When he started high school he was still having difficulty with basic math, could not write essay on own, very difficult in reading was at 3 grade reading level. He still had some difficulty in articulating his thoughts in a more concise manner. He was always intelligent though. He is and still is a visual learner but better at auditory now.
His hearing is normal. Today he can read at 6-7 grade level, has completed algerbra, can write on own a 5 paragrapgh essay on own, can speak and argue points with anyone, very verbal, he has a part time job where he does cooking, taking orders, delivering orders, training others, cleaning, he is organized. He has his own bank account and has not overdrawn his checking account, Makes his own decisions, very independent, no meds for the ADHD ect.
He surpassed what I thought would be his potentional and others as well.
Our children bloom at thier own pace and so ones own expectations are not neccarily the childs capabilty and that they can continue to grow even past the point where most would say they are at thier potentional.
My son has very severe delays, it took lots of work, patientience, thinking outside the box, giving him as many experiences as possible and not really treating him any differently than other children except for some minor accommodations. He did take meds for ADHD but in 5th grade wanted to try without it and he did well. He also had some aggression when he was younger and at times still today but with learning self soothing techniques and other techniques to help he does fine. At times even calmer than me.
We will know the reults of the additional genetic testing in a couple of weeks and i will post back when i do know.
Just to let you know things will be better than they are now, just take one day at a time, be the best advocate for your child, push them gently and challenge them but most importantly believe in them.