We'd like to tell you about a Birdshot Patient Day that we are organising for Saturday 11th September 2010 in London, UK. It's especially for people with a birdshot diagnosis, but also for healthcare professionals involved with the care of people with birdshot.
Details of the Patient Day and a detailed programme will be available on the "Birdshot Uveitis Society website":http://birdshot.org.uk/blog/index.php/patient-day
The day will bring patients and professionals together to network, learn from each other, hear about the latest treatments, build a Birdshot community, lobby for better treatment and design a research programme for the future.
•There will be up-to-date news and information on new treatments
•Patient and consultants stories about treating birdshot
•Separate breakout groups
•A question and answer session
•Information stalls/ exhibition of items and material of interest to people with birdshot
Where:UCL Roberts Building, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE
Refreshments provided
The conference, including lunch, is free, as we have managed to obtain sponsorship (see below) but we do require a £20 refundable registration deposit. Application form and facility to pay the registration fee online are available on our website. Advanced booking is essential.
We'd like to acknowledge the funding we are receiving from a Beacon Bursary from the UCL Public Engagements Unit and a grant from the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology, at Moorfields Eye Hospital and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology. Without this and the support of staff at Moorfields Eye Hospital the day would not have been happening
Please visit our website to read more about it or get in touch with us at our email address of birdshot@live.co.uk