Dear Ritz:
Please don't give up on your job and your life!
Wendy's husband, Josée, Walt, Jisenhour, I and many others have been at the point you find yourself in, and we have moved on for the better.
If theophylline, terbutaline and albumin are not working for you, the time has come for you to insist that your doctors and insurance company give monthly infusions of IVIG a try. There is growing evidence that IVIG has worked for many SCLS patients in Europe, and is proving largely successful among patients in North America.
Start by pointing your MDs to a new case report that has just been published: Pierre Abgueguen et al., “Immunoglobulins for treatment of systemic capillary leak syndrome,” American Journal of Medicine, 2010, 123 (6), pp. e3-4, and also to Marc Lambert et al., “High-dose intravenous immunoglobulins dramatically reverse systemic capillary leak syndrome,” Critical Care Medicine, 2008, 36 (7), pp. 1-4. Links to these and other items appear under Disorder Resources in this website. And there are other articles favorable to IVIG treatments in the pipeline.
I will gladly send you these and other supporting materials and have your doctors speak to mine or to others who have witnessed the excellent results that IVIG can have when nothing else seems to work. My email is