Other countries have also reported cases of Dent disease, like Italy, Israel, Korea, Australia, Macedonia.
We are trying to establish colaboration with all of them, it takes time but we are moving forward.
Somebody has to keep pushing, that's the point.
There are different clinical criteria to make diagnosis. Most frequently and almost always present is low molecular weight proteinuria (as you have noticed yourself),.
Second most frequent is hypercalciuria, kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis (calcifications in the kidney).
You can also have low potassium, phosphorus, leak of glucose and amino acids in the urine, low stature or growth delay, rickets. Definite confirmation is genetic test, however 20% of cases have unknown mutation, we still have to find it. Making diagnosis is still fairly complicated because it is not agreed, how many of these criteria you need. Usually it's 2 or 3, only one if you have family history or genetic diagnosis.
Outword signs are really minimal, for some delayed growth or rickets, so Dent patients usually don't look different from anybody else.
Criteria to officially enter registry is diagnosis of Dent disease. We are trying to help by making genetic diagnosis available for all. We are still pushing through forms and approvals, but we are almost there!