Hello Naomi, as well as Amy and Danni.
My lil Hank is turning ONE YEAR OLD TOMORROW! I thought it appropriate to reply to Naomi today - i actually just re-stumbled upon this post.
Henry is only just starting to get the strength to sit upright but definitely needs assistance. He's quite stable and steady in his Bumbo seat but only tolerates it for a max of 20 min.
He is JUST starting to roll from back to tummy. He can definitely roll from back to side quite easily. Often at night his body ends up at completely the other end, so i know he's moving in the night!
Verbally, Henry often (and pretty exclusively) says "Mama." Over and over, different ranges and tones and inflections. Maaa Maaa... mamamama... that sorta thing. He coos quite a bit.
Henry, i'm convinced, is quite easily, the World's Happiest and Most Content Baby. Always always smiling and laughing, especially when his 5 yr old brother just pretty much BREATHES around him. He tracks our movements and locations with his eyes and is just now REACTING to our leaving him - this pathetic little cry saying "don't leave me, come back."
His motor skills are a little delayed. He grasps rattles and such quite well with one hand or the other, but does not transfer them.
Henry has a heart defect (DORV) as well, and because of extreme reflux had a nissen procedure. He eats exclusively via g-tube and we are introducing 'tastes' to his mouth, which quite frankly, he is quite apathetic to (doesn't hate it, doesn't like it. Just 'accepts' it). Henry was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate which doesn't help for feeding as well. He's had an initial lip surgery and we're looking to have palata surgery in Feb/March. After that, we will become more 'aggressive' with feeding by mouth.
I hope some of this helps you with your own timeline. As you've read and know, kids with this deletion - their abilities are vast, and each child is totally unique.
My husband and i have been reflecting upon the past year and that meeting with genetics when he was 14 days old that told us of his 4q deletion. We were told all sorts of really discouraging things and in the end, i told my husband one evening, holding hands over coffee, that my ONLY desire with Hank was to see interaction with us - a recognition - and the ability to smile and be happy.
And we've been given that. Almost three fold, with the amount of coos and smiles and lovey eyes i get. I'm happy as a clam. He's our lovey and anything more he accomplishes are just bonuses! :-)
The best to you Naomi.
~ Chris