Greetings to you in India!
There are 2 known specialists Dr Greipp at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Dr Amoura in Paris France. Stress and travel seem to trigger my attacks. I try to stay hydrated at home during an attack but know when I feel light headed and dizzy I have to go to the hospital for judicious use of fluids and monitoring. I know that people with SCLS have died form waiting too long to go to the hospital and from pulmonary edema from getting too much IV fluids. It seems to be a delicate balance and us, the patients and family members, being our own advocates. It seems that when the medical professionals see very low blood pressures that they want to give IV fluids to try to increase the blood pressure which does not work with SCLS. We just leak out the IV fluids and have more complications from third spacing liters and liters of fluid with compartment syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, pericardial effusion, and pulmonary edema.