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update / pain meds

cookie68 Message
28 Dec 2009, 04:28 PM

I have not posted in awhile. Lets just chalk it up to being overwhelmed with the holidays and with life in general. I had to go back on oxygen in mid November and did four infussion treatments at Mayo for the pm. The month of December was spent fighting acute bronchitis and increased weakness. After being taken to the ER, I was told my heart was enlarged. Two days later a ct scan was done which showed congestive heart failure. We were told this on Christmas Eve which pretty much ruined our holiday. I am 41 years old and have 3 children under the age of 12. I was diagnosed with pm this past February, interstitial lung disease in March and Antisynthetase syndrome in August. I am heading to the Mayo Clinic today for additional heart tests and to meet with a cardiologist tomorrow. Hopefully the Congestive Heart Failure is not as bad as it sounds nut by RA doc thinks the pm has progressed to my heart. I am in a lot of pain and we cant seem to find a pain med that works. What does everyone else take? I am asking for prayers and support. I also want to wish all of you have healthy new year full of peace and no pain! Blessings, Stacy
Barbbe50 Message
29 Dec 2009, 09:08 PM

Stacy, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I take plain old aspirin for my pain, but I am on Prednisone which I am told also helps to control the pain, but pain is something I live with. I am diagnosed at this moment with PL-12 Antisynthetase syndrome, a composite of all my symptoms and ONE blood test. The blood test was done at the Mayo Clinic, I guess it is the place to be with this aliment .I wish you a happy, healthy pain free New Year. God Bless, Barbara
alison1967 Message
8 Jan 2010, 07:01 PM

Hi Stacy I just found your message, I'm so sorry to hear your news, what a horrible time you have had; you and your family must be so worried. I hope by the time of my reply that you have more definite idea about what is going on. I can't recommend any pain relief, I just take paracetamol. My consultant prescribed Celebrex, but I didn't feel any benefit from it and it has risk factors for the heart, so no good for you. Take care, and let us know of your progress. I will be thinking of you, Ali x
twigy17 Message
17 Jan 2010, 05:18 PM

Hello everybody, i have no posted in awhile but i want to to wish you a happy and healthy good year. Stacy, you are in my thought and prayers. My english is so bad i can't find the good words to tell you all my support. Take care of you. A french friend, Cécile x