My son was on Kineret for 4.5 years ,then he went onto Ilairs in the NOMID/MWS Novartis study over a year ago. He was on 3 mg/kd/day of Kineret to cover his symptoms, and was very stable on the Kineret before going onto Ilaris. My son has a mild form of NOMID.
He started on Ilaris at the standard dose, but had to go to a double dose a few months later, and no he is on a triple dose to cover his symptoms. When he is on Ilaris, his symptoms are completely covered almost all the time ,and he is as stable on it with his inflammatory labs and such as on the Kineret.
So my son is as good on Ilaris and Anakinra on a lab and medical standpoint, and also on his daily symptoms, which are none most of the time! He had an occasional cold flare after swimming for hours in the cold ocean (we live in San Francisco and the water is 50-60 degrees , but usually more like 50!) He used to have rare cold flares with anakinra in such circumstances too, but before going on any medication, he was flaring all the time, and there was no correlation with cold for him, as he was so affected.
As far as cost, Ilaris is suposedly less expensive as Arcalyst, and Ilaris is one shot every 8 weeks, versus wekly, and of course anakinra is daily. My son loves not having a daily shot!
We are trying to get Ilaris covered and approved by our private insurance, as the Ilaris study is ending. There is an Ilaris patient support center that can help you. Call 1-866-972-8315 (USA) to talk to them more about Ilaris and getting it with your insurance.
Kineret is very good, and easy to adjust dosing to get the right coverage as it is a daily dose. It may take adjustment of your arcalyst dose to cover you completely, and the same with Ilaris, but it can take a bit of time due to the more infrequent shot regimen. My son was on a higher dose of anakinra as he has NOMID, and most patients with the more symptomatic forms of CAPS like NOMID that I have heard from are also on higher doses of Kineret, and the same for Ilaris.
Most with FCAS and MWS do not need to have the triple dosing like my son, and have had great control of their symptoms with all these drugs.
Good luck! You can call me at 415-831-8782. I am also the President of The NOMID Alliance, www.nomidalliance.net that is dedicated to increasing awareness. care and treatment for CAPS.