Hi Michele,
Sorry that I did not see this posting when you first posted. I also run The NOMID Alliance, www.nomidaliance.net, and was recently contacted by another mom in Arizona (near Tuscon) that has a 16 yr old that was just diagnosed in April this year, and has suffered greatly too. I would like to get you tow connected ,as they are trying to get some doctors to help them in Arizona. We have connected her with Dr Hoffman in San Diego, and doctors at the NIH in Bethesda, MD as well, as she has a lot of complicated things in addition to her CAPS, and is in need care from doctors that are world experts on this condition. Please call me at 415-831-8782 if you want to talk more, or get connected with this mom.
My son has NOMID, and was diagnosed at 3 1/2 yrs of age, mostly due to my persistence with looking for answers online, medical journals, getting a copy of his medical chart and reviewing it all myself (I am also a nurse.) We saw many doctors, and all have otehr ideas for what my son had, and many would not consider that my son could have such a rare and severe condition, as he is a milder from of NOMID than most, and did not have brain damage or joint damage, although he had mild papilledema, MRI changes, elevated LP pressures (spinal tap) and slight hearing issues, but no one figured these things out until much later. I found out about genetic testing for periodic fever syndromes, including CAPS in 2003, and begged our Rheum, to do the tests, but she refused to do them, but considered maybe doing the TRAPS test, although I kept telling her my son did not fit those symptoms! She was not listening to me, and we wasted too long with her, and my son nearly died at birth, and at 13 months from a pericardial effusion that nearly compressed his heart to stop (tamponade) and no one connected things.
I got my son's pediatrician to do order the genetic tests for me, and that is how we finally found out that my son had NOMID. Had I not been seeking answers, and pushing for tests and analyzing things on my own in his chart to see the lab trends, etc., I have no idea how long we would have gone without answers!
My son was suffering severely, and was having almost daily flares, and unable to walk much due to the pain, and was having terrible head and spine aches from the brain pressure, and had stopped growing for a few years until he went onto anakinra in early 2004.
We had found out online, after getting the gentic test, that there was a patient yahoo group called nomidsyndrome and that the NIH in Bethesda, MD was doing studies with patients with CAPS. We had our pediatrician contact the NIH, as that Rheum. was mad and refused to believe my son had this condition, even with the genetic test! We went to the NIH, and he later went into their first studies with anakinra. It was a miracle to see him rash free 24 hours after the first dose, and flare free too! He started to run a few days later, after having to be in a stroller to get around (at 4 1/2 yrs of age) and began to grow for the first time in years.
He is now very stable, and caught up on growth, and it is hard to believe now how sick he usaed to be, as he looks so well now. He has been on Ilaris for over a year as a part of a study, and at a triple dose, he is very stable and as good as on the anakinra (he was on a 3 mg/kg dose of that, a higher dose too) and is very happy.
We started our non-profit in 2006, The NOMID Alliance, to help increase awareness, care and treatment for CAPS. So many have suffered way too long with this condition, and I am hearing from people all the time that have not had the right diagnosis early enough due to lack of understanding or awareness about CAPS. The good news is that increased awareness is helping people to now get diagnosed, and I have been hearing from more parents with infants that are getting diagnosed, even one in the NICU at 2 months! Can you imagine if we could have known sooner? However, no good treatments have existed until this century, so your daughter would have still sadly suffered as a toddler, but I am so sorry that she has had to go so long without the right diagnosis.
Please call me whenever you like. I live in California, and we run the non-profit from home, so I am available on weekends too (but this weekend is Halloween so maybe call Sun afternoon.)
Karen Durrant