Hi my little one would scream thru the night as well . Solutions to help were simethicone gas drops ( like mylicom), tummy on moms tummy skin to skin contact and the right diet combo for her. Formula is a problem so you have to find right one without starch and sugar (and without lactose if that is an issue. Yahoo has a csid group were some moms have tried diff formulas you could ask about. Veggies have starch and sugar too you may need to monitor those. A great website that helps with starch and sucrose content in foods is www.csidinfo.com . I lived by it until I found out what kind of foods and how much she could tolerate (it started out as only foods containing less than 2gr of sucrose per100grms of food,and less than 10grms of starch total in a day. She is now 8 and thriving and sleeping. She can eat a whole lot more foods that she never could before --even to pizza and pasta now and again