I am wondering if anyone out there has found any relief from the daily physical discomforts of this disease - exhaustion, muscle tenderness, lack of energy, general heaviness. I feel like I am eating CONSTANTLY (every 2 hours)- and not junk - but never have anything to draw on to exert myself. Other than water, I am not gaining weight, but I feel like my body, at 145 pounds, is working to carry around closer to 300 pounds of weight. I am winded after climbing 1 flight of stairs, and my heart is pounding.
Are there vitamins or minerals, some special diet, more sugar, more salt, less fat, more protein, - - I don't know - I have been off dairy for a short period and that seemed to help with the eyes swelling and flushing of my face (part of the SCLS or not - I never know!)
Any ideas? Has anyone else experimented with diet?