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Vaccine Technology Vs. SCLS

Arielbatt Message
22 Jun 2022, 03:28 PM

Hello, it is a pleasure for me to greet you, I wanted to share an idea / "theory" after my 4th. Dose.
Dose 1: Spulnik (Same technology as Astra Zeneca) …. Leak resolved without hospitalization.
Dose 2: Spulnik (Same technology as Astra Zeneca) …No leak.
Dose 3: Modern (Same technology as Pfizer) ….Leak resolved without hospitalization.
Dose 4: Pfizer (Same technology as Moderna) ….No leak.
Some comments about it.
This year, for the first time in Argentina, where I live, I began to read articles in leading newspapers, where the title contained Capillary Leak Syndrome, which was unthinkable until a year ago given the lack of knowledge in my country of the disease, which, looking at the glass half full, I see can help us in the future, a lot.
So far, of the 4 doses, the leaks occurred when the vaccine technology was changed, so I suspect that for those who have LEAK, it would be safer to repeat the booster technology.
I would like to know if this pattern was repeated in your applications or not.
Greetings, Ariel.

aporzeca Message
24 Jun 2022, 07:40 PM


I'm glad that your two vaccine-related episodes of SCLS ended without the need for your hospitalization!

I have received four doses of the same vaccine (Moderna), and yet in late December I had Covid and the infection triggered an episode of SCLS, so at least in my case, sticking to the same vaccine (and thus technology) did not prevent a Covid-induced capillary leak. 

Here in the United States, the official recommendation has been to persevere with the same brand of vaccine -- in fact, if you received Pfizer or Moderna the first time, chances are you were not even given the opportunity to switch brands the following times, so I'm pretty sure my experience is typical.

I believe that in North America and Europe, most patients have received the same brand/technology of vaccine over and over again, as well.  Therefore, I doubt that your hypothesis is a valid one.

The hypothesis for which there is growing evidence is that if you are a duly diagnosed patient with SCLS, receiving any vaccine, or contracting Covid, in the final days of your IVIG infusion cycle, or when you have not received any IVIG on a regular basis, increases the probability of having an episode of SCLS.


Arielbatt Message
25 Jun 2022, 04:05 PM

Hi Arturo.  I will take the audacity to write in our mother tongue, and I will put the Google translation at the end.
 Many times I am left wondering how real they are, and I want to make sure that my query was well understood.
 I was not referring to the fact that the technology of the vaccines modifies the coverage capacity for Covid.  But to the possibility that the vaccine, by itself, has a greater possibility of triggering an attack both in the first dose and when changing technology.  I haven't seen a lot of SCLS attacks for the vaccine here on the forum... but I know there are.
 Perhaps because neither North America nor Europe recommend changing brands (is this everyone or just SCLS sufferers?) As always, thank you for your time and dedication.

Hola Arturo. Me tomaré el atrevimiento de escribir en nuestra lengua madre, y pondré la traducción de Google al final. 
Muchas veces me queda la duda de que tan reales son, y quiero asegurarme de que mi consulta fue bien entendida.
No me refería a que la tecnología de las vacunas modifiquen la capacidad de cobertura al Covid. Sino al la posibilidad de que la vacuna,  por sí sola, tenga mayor posibilidad de desencadenar un ataque tanto sea en la primera dosis como al cambiar de tecnología. No he visto aquí en el foro, mucho de ataques SCLS por la vacuna... pero se que los hay. 
Quizas porque ni en América del Norte ni en Europa aconsejan el cambio de marca (esto es a todos o solo a enfermos de SCLS?) Como siempre, gracias por su tiempo y dedicación.

aporzeca Message
26 Jun 2022, 01:23 PM

Ariel, I suggest you review two past discussion topics, and, which have information relevant to your question.

Arielbatt Message
26 Jun 2022, 05:49 PM

Thank you for your time.