Hi there,
Looking back before I had my major attack (October 2005) I think I probably had about three small attacks however never sought medical attention for these. Since my major attack I have had no symptoms at all that I am aware off? I do suffer from edema, pain in my legs and my blood pressure sits around normal however can sometimes be on the high side depending on how much sleep I get due to pain. Things I noticed before going unconscious with my major attack were, dead right arm, vomiting (no fluid associated with the vomit), passing out, very thirsty and very low blood pressure.
I have an arrangement with the Hematology department at our hospital here in Christchurch to ring them for direct admission, what happens next is unknown to me as I am supposed to be the first ever case in New Zealand and medical people here know little about ISCLS. This is why I am so grateful to this site and Arturo for help and information.