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Picked this up in the media - Covid 19 death SCLS

Barney Message
29 Jan 2021, 10:07 PM

I dont have anymore information other than this as I have an Automated Google Search for "Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome" and this hit my inbox.  I do not know this person or if they were taking any treatment such as IVIG.  Decided to post as a caution to stay diligent in avoiding Covid.  Prayers to his family and all of you.



aporzeca Message
31 Jan 2021, 02:17 AM

I also found out about this case the same way, and after making a donation to his family through GoFundMe -- and my grown children also made donations -- I made some inquiries and it turns out that this young man had decided not to subject himself to monthly IVIG treatments.  Therefore, we will never know if his Covid-related death could have been prevented, but he was obviously at great personal risk.