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CAH in the South Asian Population

jayhemant Message
20 Jan 2021, 01:39 AM


Hi, my name is Jay Desai and I am currently a research assistant at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. My lab focuses primarily on studying Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), an autosomal recessive disorder affecting the adrenal steroidogenesis pathway. As a research assistant, I have had the opportunity to meet with patients during clinic visits (currently telehealth) and observe the clinical features associated with the disease. One of these clinical features being the hormone effects associated with excess androgen production.

These hormone effects include acne, weight gain, and hirsutism. While these effects may be prevalent in all those who have the disorder, I am interested in learning how these effects may uniquely impact South Asian women. As a South Asian male, I am aware of the many stringent beauty standards that women in my society face. Furthermore, I recognize the negative consequences that misinformation may construe - especially about sensitive subject material such as excess androgen symptoms in women. As a result, my best friend, Jahnavi Kola, and I are aiming to create a website to share stories from South Asian women affected by CAH and other excess androgen disorders. Ultimately, we hope to shed light on these issues in efforts to not only empower South Asian women affected by this disease but anyone facing pressure to conform to mainstream norms. Are there any of you who would be willing to set up a call to talk about your experiences? If you do not have a South Asian background, we would still love to hear about your experience. Everything you say will be confidential if you so prefer and will not be published without your consent. If interested, please reach out to me at or Jahnavi Kola at Thank you.