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Medicare Denial of 14 Day IViGG

stedrick Message
11 Mar 2016, 01:12 PM

Medicare has denied the frequency of my IViGG. I have fairly severe side effects and breakthrough edema with the 28 day regimen. Can anyone point me to the most effective article(s) and stud(ies) to support my care? Sadly, the notice of denial of the doctor's appeal bounced from Florida to Maine to Florida so time is very short for me to lodge an appeal as a patient. Thank you in advance, Susan
aporzeca Message
11 Mar 2016, 07:03 PM

Susan, Send me an email at
Jcarson Message
13 Mar 2016, 10:08 PM Hello Susan, this is really tough! The problem that medicare has is typical of the red tape mentality. There are no published studies of the pharmacokinetics of 10% Octagam given 2 weekly. HOWEVER. The FDA have approved use given 3 weekly. This may be an option. Work out your dose over twelve weeks, and give a quarter every three weeks. The next option is to check all these with other manufacturers of IgG. Ideally, the study to obtain this data would not be large and expensive, and may well be in house, awaiting publication. John