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restarting ivig

Shannoncourt Message
26 Jan 2016, 05:12 AM

I had posted many months ago about my husband passing away , moving, and due to the move it caused a stop in my ivig waiting for my new Kidney Dr appt. Well..... FINALLY. .. after what seemed like forever and a few crisis events. I was about to see my Dr. She restarted the dose at 2gm/kg/month . Except she is going to do 1gm/every other week. When I did it 2 days in a row of tended get a bit fluid overloaded. So she wants to try even other week to see if I tolerate it better. I also had to have a new Port placed as just on a fluke one day mine popped and a funny feeling was felt. When they went to replace it they realized that the internal stitches can undone on one side. Thanks for all the support. Also I have tried many times with no luck to post my picture here but it says it's to big for my avatar. Any info on what I am doing wrong? -shannon
Ritz Message
26 Jan 2016, 02:49 PM

Hi Shannon, I will be restarting IVIG also. The Dr. is going to try the every other week treatment with me too. Perhaps we can compare out comes.