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Update on Levi

kgoldade Message
24 Aug 2015, 01:39 PM

Hello fellow SCLS patients and family, my grandson Levi who will be 3 in a couple weeks had a severe episode in March 2015 and it was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced, we almost lost him. I am extremely pleased however to state that he has been episode free since. He has had 4 monthly infusions of IVIG and is now going to a 6 week cycle. His only side effects have been fatigue and a little vomiting the next day. We are very encouraged by these results so far and are grateful to all in the SCLS family who have supported us.
WazzaACT Message
25 Aug 2015, 04:21 AM

Hi kgoldade. I am wondering why you are moving to a 6 week cycle. There is pretty strong evidence that either a 2 or 4 week cycle is best. Just a thought. Perhaps there are other compelling reasons. All the best.