Hello again,
Grace has had major sleep issues, however, in the past 8 months we seem to have sorted it. Thank God! I think it is a combination of things, but firstly we addressed her vitamin/mineral issues. Grace was low in iron, magnesium, and zinc. She had sickness after sickness and as she can't blow her own nose I was completely over it. I took her to an amazing naturopath and she is now on a variety of different supplements - including GABBA enzyme. This is an important near transmitting enzyme important for sleep. Iron and magnesium are also VERY important for sleep - might be worth having these tested?? Next, we delt with the behavioural issues that had developed - her wanting to come into my bed when she woke. Then, she started full time school. she is both physically and mentally exhausted after a day at school so this also helps her to sleep deeper. Grace doesn't really have any difficult behavioural issues, however, she does need routine and thrives from it! she keeps us all in check :) I make sure that I give her lots of preparation when something is going to change in our routine or if we are going somewhere new. She has also had great difficulty with her ability to attend to tasks, however, the school we have her in (Montessori) has helped with this considerably!!!) she is now able to sit and attend to a task long enough to compete it. This is critical for children future learning as it is impossible to learn something if you can't attend to it. I have generally found with Grace that when she is hyper she is actually really tired. She has never really regressed in development. With the early intervention she has received she has gone from strength to strength. I highly recommend the 'prompt method' for speech therapy and felden krais physiotherapy as well as general physiotherapy. Occupational therapy has also helped with her fine motor development. If you have one near by and can afford it, I would HIGHLY recommend a Montessori school with a special ed department for your child when they reach the age of 4. Its structure, philosophy, and method of teaching is just what our precious children need to thrive and become all that they can be.