I'm sorry to hear about your child, so young, being diagnosed with this and to such an extent! Have you consulted Dr Pardi at the Mayo Clinic? He is considered to be the most knowledgable physician in this country on SM. I seem to have hit a plateau for now. For the past three weeks I have only had five days where the pain, bloating and diarrhea ha been bad. I have changed my diet to no processed foods or dairy and very little fiber. I make my own yogurt with soy or almond milk now and I seem to tolerate it well. I am a physician and with the multiple disease processes, I have had to retire on disability. I have cryoglobullinia, due to the hepatitis C I contracted during my intern year, which is the worst. I get chemo therapy every six months for that after it finally caused kidney failure. At least my kidneys got better but there's no cure. Then I got mononeuritis multiplex, also caused by the cryo. I probably have a lot more knowledge than the average doctor, lol. I end up giving them the names of articles and research. Now I'm researching SM. I've gotten really good at medical research.