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Test of landis

starfrance Message
3 Nov 2014, 08:38 PM

Hello, While I was waiting my cardiologist at the hospital, I could read a document about a "test of landis" I had last year. This test shows a leak of 43,3%. Does it mean during an attack I can lose 43,3% of my blood? Hope do you understand what I mean? Take care.
Jcarson Message
4 Nov 2014, 07:00 AM

Hello starfrance, I surmise that your cardiologist refers to Landis, the cyclist who was disqualified from the Tour de France in 2006. He produced various reasons for his abnormal results, one excuse is dehydration. With CLS, you can certainly lose 43% of your blood volume ... But when the attack changes, this serum comes flooding back into your veins. In my case, I average a 38% loss, which last 4-6 hours, and gets better. This 2 l loss is enough to cause severe shock. The important part is that the red cells remain, unlike blood loss from trauma, and they are still there to carry oxygen. The committee at the time decided for Landis. If he had, for instance, 2ng per litre of blood of banned testosterone, and he dehydrated 50%, then the reading would be 2ng per half litre, or 4ng per litre.. Double the acceptable reading.... But for various reasons, this does not hold up with the rigid testing. I do not presume to judge him.. Just give and example. Good luck John
starfrance Message
6 Nov 2014, 07:26 PM

Thank you for your reply. In fact, this test was ordered by my internist last year. I didn ´t have the results because I had to go back quickly in africa for my job. Now I am back and I have been suffering from arrhythmia for 22 years , While I was waiting for the cardiologist, , I saw my file on his desk..... Take care, Anne Laure.
Jcarson Message
7 Nov 2014, 01:18 AM

Hello Anne My leakage is also associated with arrhythmia, and quite by chance, I have found it significantly affected by diet including vasoactive amines associated with Cheese and MSG.etc. It is a long shot, but try loooking at your diet. Cheers John
starfrance Message
7 Nov 2014, 09:01 AM

Hello, I have been suffering from arrhythmia for 22 years and there is any link with SCLS . Last september I had a surgery , it´s that why I saw my cardiologist and could read my file. I parctise sport , I eat healthy. I had any attack since 2 years, And take any medicine. Thank ´s for your reply. Anne Laure.