We are interested in hosting webinars and Q&A sessions about your disease if there is enough interest. Please express your interest by responding to the thread, based on your response we will provide more details about the topics, date, experts, and other associated information.
For your reference, here are a few examples of sessions sponsored by the Rare Genomics Institute:
1. DISEASE: Ataxia
* TECHNOLOGY: Genome sequencing
* EXPERT GUESTS: Drs. Lyon Gholson (Cold Spring Harbor), Mishra Angrist (Duke), Susan Perlman (UCLA)
* LINK TO PODCAST: "http://kiwi6.com/file/8jb6y9mt6v":http://kiwi6.com/file/8jb6y9mt6v, "http://kiwi6.com/file/b3025ownyo":http://kiwi6.com/file/b3025ownyo
2. DISEASE: Trigeminal neuralgia
* EXPERT GUESTS: Drs. Andrew Golden (NIH), William Cheshire (Mayo Clinic)
* LINK TO PODCAST: "http://kiwi6.com/file/xoz74rv84k":http://kiwi6.com/file/xoz74rv84k
3. DISEASE: Transverse Myelitis
* TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW: Mouse as model organism
* EXPERT GUESTS: Dr. Benjamin Greenberg (UT Southwestern), Cat Lutz (Jackson Laboratory)
* LINK TO PODCAST: "http://kiwi6.com/file/f08t954g83":http://kiwi6.com/file/f08t954g83
If you are interested, please respond to this particular thread. When we have sufficient response, we will start organizing a session for this community.
RareShare Team