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SCLS fasciotomy side effects

szaleskie Message
9 Sep 2014, 06:47 PM

Is it common to have lower leg numbness and tingly feet? If yes, does anyone have a fix suggestion?
photodonn Message
9 Sep 2014, 07:33 PM

I have had this issue for several years and not sure if it has anything to do with SCLS or my back issues. It seems to really bother me while sleeping. My lower legs where twitching like electric sparks were going though my muscles. Sometime it would spread to my upper thigh muscles and that really drove me crazy. I believe it is called Restless Leg Syndrome. I began taking an over the counter drug named Restful Legs and that seemed to lessen the symptoms so I could get to sleep. The drug became hard to find and I was told by a pharmacist that the pills contained calcium and she suggested I use TUMS. They are cheaper and can be found anywhere. I use one or two TUMS under my tongue when I go to bed and it has been working just as well. I hope this helps. photodonn
jisenhour Message
9 Sep 2014, 08:02 PM

Hello szaleskie, during my first serious attack I had fasciotomies on both sides of both calf's. Since then I've had numbness, and tingling in both feet. I've just always put it down to nerve damage sustained during the operations. Jeff
szaleskie Message
9 Sep 2014, 08:23 PM

Jeff: This sounds the closest, with four cuts on each leg. I was kind of hoping for a Tums-like fix (which I will try), but I'll keep looking here for an answer. Thanks all.
catsanmice Message
11 Sep 2014, 01:46 AM

I had double fasciotimies in March and also have tingling and numbness - felt a lot like my mouth does after the dentist. Definitely it's due to some severed nerves, but it's been improving, Nerves take a long time to grow back, but they can do it. B vitamins help nerves a lot, but don't get the cheap grocery store kind - they tend to make people nauseous. Get the good stuff at the health food store. I've also been massaging the scars and skin grafts to help them look better - strong massage breaks down the collagen in scars and over time can smooth their appearance. I put all kinds of things on to help: vit e and vit a, scar creams, aloe cream, shea butter, rosehip oil, lavender essential oil, etc. etc. etc. Good luck :-)
szaleskie Message
11 Sep 2014, 05:56 PM

Catsanmice: Ralph Lauren cancelled my men's leg modelling contract. I'll try vttamin B, Thanks