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kaesumsmom Message
3 Jun 2014, 03:26 AM

My name is Terri. In February of this year I went to the ER at the hospital in my small town thinking that I had a kidney infection because my back hurt. They told me that I was starting to develop pneumonia (from xrays). I went home on antibiotics and an inhaler. I saw my physician the next day and she didn’t change anything. Five days later I was back in the ER because I couldn’t breath. Now I had double pneumonia. They admitted me and that’s all I remember BUT family says that in 24 hours a lot changed. My oxygen level dropped to the point where I was hallucinating. Walking around the hospital telling everyone I was saddling my horse to go to a pawn shop. 24 hours after that I went on a vent and was being flown to a bigger hospital (Miami) to be put on E.C.M.O. (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) tovbypass heart and lungs and to oxygenate my blood. I was in ICU for over 3 weeks before they let me finally go home on oxygen and told me I had ARDS. (Not a surprise) I was home three weeks and was woke up by my fiance because he could hear me wheezing. My O2 sats were in the 60 to 70’s and I was 911 to the hospital. Once I was stable I was then transported to a bigger hospital (Miami again) for testing and biopsies because ALL tests done on me came back normal. They could not figure out why I was getting pneumonia because nothing came back wrong. Finally I was diagnosed with Cryptogenic Organising Pneumonitis (COP). To top it all off I acquired ARDS from being on the vent.