Ask your specialist why they're recommending one over the other. Do folks with similar disease profiles to yours tend to respond better to a certain course? (Of course there may be little data to compare. heck, sometimes we are the only data!).
My case has been called "refractory" or unresponsive to treatment. I have the OJ subtype, started with acute severe lung involvement and didn't have an elevated CK, muscle weakness or joint issues until three years after initial diagnosis.
One thing I have learned is that we all respond so differently. Trust yourself and if you feel a treatment course isn't working, change it.
If you're not already, keep a notebook with your symptoms, medication levels, side effects, etc. Over time it will be a good tool for customizing your treatment and assessing risks.
You're already doing an amazing job of sorting through the resources and quickly scaling the steep learning curve that comes with this diagnosis. This is how I know you will survive this illness.