Tonight my son, who is in Year 12, said to me he was looking at organising his art assignment earlier, which was a shock in itself, but he said he was doing it on places. He elaborated by saying familiar places (home), dark upsetting places (Greenslopes Hospital), fun, happy places (places we go on holidays with and without our dogs) and then back to the familiar place of home. He has been saying little bits and pieces lately about how much this illness has affected him. As you know I have a lawsuit in progress against the GP I visited and have a fairly good case but just last week I received an email from my solicitor with a copy of the GP's star dec. Number one the solicitor is astonished he did one, which is never done and secondly, the GP has shot himself in the foot as he has contradicted himself sayings things like I did not visibly see her blue fingers but I did discuss Raynauds. Another one is, i did not tell him I had a sore neck and shoulders but he has stated I probably had Fibromyalgia and the list goes on. My son asked me, if the case goes to court could he please get on the stand and say how much this has affected me. Not so funny!